Friday 24th April 2020 – Literacy

I can’t believe that’s another week over already boys and girls.

Which means it is 1 week closer to seeing all of your faces πŸ™‚

Today, is the final paragraph for your report. Literacy.


Think back in time, to different pieces of writing you have created over the year. Think about your narrative writing, did you have a favourite? Maybe you enjoyed free writing, maybe you enjoyed creating you Christmas Book and sharing it with the younger classes at reading buddies, maybe it was your Halloween story.

Why was this your favourite? Did you use good techniques? Did you use good V.C.O.P? Did you include a metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia? Did you feel proud?

Brainstorm the novels you have read and the work you have done on them. Think about your class novels BFG and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (still to complete). Did you enjoy them? Why?/ Why not? Think about your group novels and tasks, how did you get on? Can you summarise? Can you work out the meaning of tricky words? Can you find techniques used by the author? Can you describe characters?


I can identify 3 strengths and a next step

Today, I would like you to write a short paragraph about your progress, thoughts and feelings about your effort in Literacy. Remember to reflect on some of the things mentioned above. I would like you to focus on you strengths (at least 3) and one next step. What are you proud of? What would you like to get better at?


Can you add reflect on Talking and Listening activities. Think about Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; did you listen well? Did you engage in the activities? Did you participate in discussions? Did you listen and watch the film clips?

Do you respect the opinions of your group when discussing your books? Do you add on to others opinions?

Listening could be what you want to work on next, maybe you want to participate more to group and class discussions.

Think about giving personal talks/ presentations to the class.

You might wish to comment on your handwriting (letter size and joins) and spelling (tests and using day to day basis) too. Do you use Sumdog spelling and reading? How do you find them?



As always, check over your work. Make sure you are happy with it, have been honest and are feeling proud of yourself for all of the things you have been able to write down that you can do. I am very proud of you all this year.

REMEMBER, please send me your paragraphs from this week, even if you send a picture of them all today because you had forgotten. I would LOVE to read them!

Send to

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls. Stay safe. β˜€οΈ 🌈

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