Wednesday 22nd April 2020 – Literacy


Good Morning everyone, I hope you are getting to safely, enjoy some of the sun this week. Remember to break up your day, help around the house, with your siblings, play some games: knots and crosses, hangman and stop the bus are some of my favourites!

This morning I would like you to pretend we are having our learner conversation. I would like you to brainstorm (written or verbal)

  • some of the things you’ve enjoyed this year,
  • subjects you feel you’ve progressed in, have been proud of
  • subjects you maybe don’t enjoy
  • things you would like to do when we return to school
  • Anything you would like to set yourself as your goal to achieve when you come back.
  • What have you missed now that you are away from school


I can reflect on my year including my likes, dislikes, accomplishments and goals.

Now I would like you to write a short paragraph in your own words about your year of P6 or P7. Pretend it is just like your learner conversation you will be having with me when we return to school.


As always, read over your work please and brighten up my day by e-mailing me a copy of your paragraph to

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