Tuesday 24th March 2020 – Maths

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all keeping safe and looking after your families. Make sure you are still doing exercise (remember there is a new Joe Wicks each day!), going a walk with family members and get some fresh air. Hoping to see your smiley faces soon! 🙂

Numeracy : I can compare large numbers

Mental Maths Starter: (orally to someone; you could phone a friend and make it a quiz or written)

  1. Write 92,023 in words.
  2. 5764 plus fifteen
  3. 6 units + 3 thousands + 4 tens + 8 hundreds =
  4. Is the answer to 69 + 23 nearer to 90 or 100?
  5. Write the next multiple of 6:           36, 42, 48, ?
  6. Topi gave 0.75 of her sweets to James, write this as a fraction.
  7. What is 16:40 in 12 hour time?
  8. At a party 6 people sat at each table. How many tables were needed to seat 54 people?
  9. A bus holds 65 passengers. If 33 were upstairs, how many were downstairs?
  10. What is the remainder if you divide 17 by 2?
  11. 2m + 90cm = ____ cm
  12. 1/7 of 28 =
  13. Put these numbers in order largest first: 3748,   3874,    3487, 3784
  14. How many vertices (corners) does  a cube have?
  15. Maria owes Tom £9.75. She gets £13.00 pocket money and pays Tom back. How much has she now?


Write the correct sign between pair of numbers < or >  Remember the crocodile eats the larger numbers!

  1. 704,218 _____ 940,218   EG. 704,218 <  940,218
  2. 318, 624 ___ 318, 264
  3. 497, 209 ___ 497, 202
  4. 250, 681 ___ 205, 681
  5. 500, 239 ___ 500, 299
  6. 720, 340 ___ 702, 430
  7. , 998 ___ 819, 998
  8. 901, 999 ___ 902, 000
  9. 543, 345 ___ 534, 554
  10. 602, 694 ___ 598, 992

*Challenge* – Write 1 more than the larger number in each pair.

  1. Sam had ticket number 476, 204. His friend had the ticket before. What number was it?                                                                                             His mum had the ticket with a number 10 more than Sam’s.  What number was it?
  2. Miss Moneypots sold her house for £179, 250. Mrs Diamond sold her house for £197, 650.  Whose house was worth more? How much could Mr Big sell his house for, to get an amount between the two?



Secret Number (Game for 2 Players)

Aim: To guess a secret number by asking questions.

Choose a player to start, you may have to Facetime your friend to play this game or play with someone at home. They choose a number in secret and write it down. You can ask them questions but they can only answer yes or no.  Think about helpful questions: – Is it larger/smaller than …? – Does it have 6 as one of its digits? – Is the units digits smaller than the tens digit? How many questions did it take to work out the secret number?  Swap so the other person chooses the secret number.  Can you guess their number in fewer questions?

6 thoughts on “Tuesday 24th March 2020 – Maths”

      1. Hi Lana and Erin, so number 11 and 12 are word problems, so they are meant to make us think. Let’s take our time and read it again.
        11. Sam had ticket number 476,204.
        His friend had the ticket before. What number was it?

        So what number comes before 476,204? So look at your units column and take one off, what would you get? 476,20____

        The second part of that question is
        “His mum had the ticket with a number 10 more than Sam’s. What number was it?”
        Sams number is four hundred and seventy six thousand, two hundred and four, his mums ticket is 10 more. So look at your tens column (which is 0) and add ten and the number becomes 476,2_4.

        Let me know if this is of any help 🙂

    1. Number 12 is a word problem too. Remember to take your time, read the question slowly.
      12. Miss Moneypots sold her house for £179, 250. Mrs Diamond sold her house for £197, 650. Whose house was worth more? How much could Mr Big sell his house for, to get an amount between the two?

      So, it’s asking us to compare the prices of the two houses. It’s asking which house is worth more (larger price). Even look at the larger 3 columns and compare (unless they are the same, however in this case they are not).
      So, Miss Moneypots is £179,000
      Mrs Diamond is £197,000
      Which one is the larger number? (worth more money).

      The second part is then asking us
      “How much could Mr Big sell his house for, to get an amount between the two?”
      Therefore, it is asking us to choose any number in between £179,250 and £197,650
      Choose any number which is larger than £179,250 but smaller than £197,650 and that could be what Mr Big can sell his house for.

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