Character Profile
We have been learning how to do character visualisation profiles on characters from our group and class reading books.
For homework, complete a character profile on a character from a book of your choice. It can be another character from your school reading book, or a character from a book you are reading at home.
Remember what to include:
- detailed illustration of the character.
- key words and phrases to label the character.
- quotes from the text which describe the character’s appearance and personality – remembering to use quotation marks ” ” and the page number, where you found the quote.
- a sentence to analyse (describe) the quote in your own words.
You can create this in your jotter or on a piece of A4 paper for display in the classroom. You can get paper from school for this task.
Practise your Number Bonds, Doubles and Halves on ‘Hit the Button’ on the Top Marks website!
You need to know these off by heart, to help with number work and calculations.
Remember to keep practising your maths using your your SumDog and Active Learn accounts too!
Health and Wellbeing
We have been learning about the negative effects of smoking, and the fairly recent change of law on cigarette packaging, which displays quite graphic images of the negative effects.
Your task is to design a poster to put young people off starting smoking and to help them to avoid peer pressure to smoke.
It should include:
- Reasons why smoking is a bad idea (FACTS)
- An eye-catching design
- A slogan
You can look online for examples of good anti-smoking posters for ideas.