May 21, 2020
by Mr Green

Take A Moment

Take a moment…

…to try some progressive muscle relaxation!

As you know, this is mental health awareness week and the focus is on kindness. I know a lot of you have been trying to do kind things for others this week. Keep up the good work!!

I would also like to encourage you to be kind to yourself, this week and always. You already know that I think you are all superstars and I hope you know your teachers are missing you so much. We want you to look after yourself by eating and drinking well, getting exercise to keep your bodies strong and keeping in contact (safely) with family and friends. And of course, don’t forget to keep washing your hands! Can you think of other ways to be kind to yourself?

Why not have a look at these ideas to be kind to yourself? I’d love see how you fill them out.

Finally, why not be kind to yourself by relaxing your bodies using progressive muscle relaxation? Use the link to access my latest video.

By the way, this is a great way to relax your body and can help you fall asleep at night! It’s suitable for P1-P7 pupils but why not get the rest of your family to try it too!

Hope you enjoy it!

Mrs McMillan

Why don’t you

May 20, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting online Assembly

Article of the week.

Welcome to Rights Respecting School online assembly.

This weeks online assembly looks at Article 12. 

Article 12 – Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.

This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Adults can do lots of things to help you have your voice heard properly. These include:

– Listening.
– Giving appropriate Information about the situations you are involved in.
– Helping to communicate your ideas if you need it.
– An opportunity to give your views in a way that works for you.
– Feed-back so that you know your views have been heard
– Acknowledging that your voice counts.
– Trusting that you can speak honestly even if your opinion is different from many others.
– Believing that your opinion is welcome and respected.

Possible Activites

Can you…

(Early Level)

In some stories children’s views are ignored. Have you read ‘Not Now Bernard!’?

If not watch this story.

What would you say to Bernard’s parents if you had the chance?

(1st Level)

Have you ever thanked people at home who are good at listening to you? Design a card or picture, or write a letter to thank them for hearing your voice.


Design a poster for display about the importance of  Article 12.

(2nd Level)

Write a creative story, a poem, a short play script or are you creative enough to design a piece of art using the title ‘Head My Voice’. Share it with your family.


Design a poster for display  about the importance of Article 12.

Need a hand with your voice? The link below takes you to instructions on how to make a paper/cardboard megaphone! (Sorry Adults!) 

Reflection/Pupil Voice

It’s time to get your thinking hats on… again!

Try to find somewhere quiet for a few minutes, sit comfortably and be as still as you can… just try to relax… and listen to the sounds, within your body, close by and further away.

Try this short guided meditation.

How does it feel when you know that an adult has really listened to you?

How can we show our appreciation and why is this important?

How can we respect other people’s right to have their voice heard? Even when we disagree?

Ask yourself – what could I do to make my voice stronger? What should I really speak up about? How can I do this?

Click on the link above to listen to the new song, ‘This is me’.

Remember to ‘Keep the Blues’ away. Click the link above to listen to one of our assembly favourites!


May 15, 2020
by Mr Green

The Woodlands Weekly 15.5.2020

Over one hundred families in North Lanarkshire have already signed up to tonights’s Big Camp Out. Sign up now and be part of this free, virtual event, organised by Community Learning and Development and enjoy live music, quizzes, and cooking.

Here is a link to the registration page – Link

Well done to this week’s Sumdog champions. Improved effort in numeracy.

Niamh – Primary 1

Jake – Primary 1/2

Jacob – Primary 2

Zander – Primary 2

Lily – Primary 2/3

Millie – Primary 2/3

Autumn – Primary 3

Struan – Primary 3

Sonny – Primary 4

Poppy M – Primary 4/5

Skye – Primary 6

Kate – Primary 7

Ava – Primary 7

Rosie – Primary 7

Euan – Primary 7

The North Lanarkshire Contest starts today, running from the 15th – and finishing at 8pm on the 21st May.

Things to remember!

Students can play at anytime.

For the score to count, the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest activity must be shown in the green panel on the left of the students screen when they click to start each game.

Scores are based on correct answers.

A class’s score is based on the average from all students that take part. (We need at least 10 participants form each class to register on the scoreboard).

As a reward for taking part, each student who answers 100 questions will receive an item for their Sumdog House.

Lets see how high our Woodlands classes can get on the leaderboard!

Do you have what it takes to be in a Fischy Music video?

At school assemblies we like to use Fischy Music. They provide some of our favourite songs to sing along to. Fischy Music Online are offering boys and girls in our school community the opportunity to join The Fischy Lockdown Band for their new song ‘We Won’t Stop Singing’!

It’s open to anyone and the details and song are in the link above.

Children will also need a parental permission form – link

All you need to do is to learn the song, grab a pair of headphones and record on a phone while singing along. Then send that video in via the form.

The deadline for video submissions is Monday 18th May. 

We would LOVE to see and hear some of your faces on a video we could show at assemblies.

May 14, 2020
by Mr Green

Take A Moment

Take a Moment…

…to try some 4,7,8 breathing!

I know some of you are having sleep problems during lockdown. Maybe your bedtimes are all over the place, you might be having difficulty getting off to sleep or be waking up during the night and not being able to get back to sleep. 4,7,8 breathing is a technique that can help you!!

Practise it twice a day (including once a night just before you go to sleep) and within a few weeks, you’ll see a massive difference in how quickly you can drop off!!

Other top tips for a good night’s sleep are:

*avoid screentime for an hour or two before bed.
*reduce or give up caffeine drinks.
*use the same routine each night e.g. bath, brush teeth, pyjamas, storytime/reading, lights out.
*try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even at weekends.
*my mum always said that 1 hour’s sleep before midnight is worth 2 after (but I don’t know if that one’s true!!!).

Here’s my link to 4,7,8 breathing. Why not take a moment to try it today?

Most suitable from age 8 – adult.

Hope you have sweet dreams!

Mrs McMillan

May 13, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting Online Assembly

Article of the week.

Welcome to Rights Respecting School online assembly.

Can you guess this week’s article from the pictures below?

It’s Article 7 – birth registration, name, nationality, care.

Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

Here are things that need to happen if you are to have your name and nationality respected.

You need…

– To be called your preferred name (shortened or in full).
– Your name being pronounced properly and spelt correctly.
– A birth certificate.
– A passport (if you need to travel out of the UK).
– To be encouraged to be proud of your name and nationality.
– To get a chance to celebrate your national identity perhaps with a special day, food or music.
– To know and be cared for by a loving adult.

Possible Follow Up Activities

Do you always respect other people’s names?

Here is a link to the story ‘The Name Jar’.

Can you..

(Early Level)

Create a sign with your name on – this could be with paper and pen, paint or a collage with indoor or outdoor materials.

(First Level)

Create a sign with your name on – this could be with paper and pen, paint or a collage with indoor or outdoor materials. Can you write an acrostic poem with your name and words that describe you?

(Second Level)

Draw an identity hand!
Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents.

Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs.

Reflection/Pupil Voice

Time to get your thinking hats on!

Spend a few moments being quiet and still.. think about who you are, your name, your nationality, the people who care for you.

Do you always show respect for the right to a name and nationality in your life at home or school?

How does your school protect this right?

What could you do today to show respect for this right?

Click on the picture to hear, ‘I’m Ok’.



May 7, 2020
by Mr Green

The Woodlands Weekly 7.05.2020

Remember that Friday 8th is the May Day school holiday and Monday 11th is an in-service day.  This means there will be no online learning tasks uploaded on these days.

Well done to this weeks Sumdog Champions.

Cillian – Primary 1

Lily – Primary 1

Sonny – Primary 4

Emily – Primary 4

Lily – Primary 4/5

Corey – Primary 4/5

Leah – Primary 4/5

Zak – Primary 5

Sophie – Primary 5

Olivia – Primary 6

Skye – Primary 6

Aidan – Primary 6

Jamie – Primary 6/7

Ava – Primary 6/7

Abigail – Primary 7

Mirren – Primary 7

Andrew – Primary 7

Ava – Primary 7

Katie – Primary 7 

Great to see some more pictures of our students on twitter.

This one is from April and unfortunately didn’t upload last week to the blog. Well done on designing your own fabulous chocolate factory.

Well done you two on making ‘Cloud Dough’ and providing everyone with instructions on how to make it.

Love to see a picture of support for our NHS and our many Keyworkers that are going above and beyond for us all.

Mr Green is very proud of your 2.6 challenge. Walking 2.6km in 26 minutes for Cerebral Palsy Scotland. Well done on all the donations and for supporting such a fantastic organisation.

May 7, 2020
by Mr Green

Take a moment

Take a moment…

…to try some high 5 breathing.

Well, I don’t know about you, but in my house the people are much quicker to feel frustrated than usual (and it’s not only the children!). This week I’ve had to use my calm down techniques quite a lot so I thought I’d put together a video to let you know about one of my favourite breathing techniques which can help when you feel you might be getting close to losing your cool.

If you do lose your cool, it’s really important to remember to “repair the damage”. Don’t focus on the times you lost it, focus on saying sorry and making up. If someone else loses their cool with you, TRY not to take it too personally. They are probably struggling too.

This technique can be used by anyone age 4-104!

Here’s the link to my High 5 Breathing video.

Why not take a moment to USE IT, so you don’t LOSE IT!

You could also try to create some hand art like this.

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Have a great week!
Mrs McMillan

May 6, 2020
by Mr Green

Rights Respecting Online Assembly

Welcome to our first Rights Respecting School online assembly. I have set possible activities and discussion points for children to engage with (these learning tasks are optional). There will also be a song link provided at the end.


Article of the week.

Can you guess what the article of the week will be by looking at these pictures?

It’s Article 24 – Health Care – ensures that every child has the right to the best possible health.

Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy.

Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

There are many things children need to be healthy. These include:- – Enough Sleep – at least 8 hours a night.
– Nutritious Food – including plenty of fruit and vegetables.
– Water – at least one litre a day.
– Good hygiene – keeping clean, particularly your hands and make sure you do not touch your face!
– Daily Exercise.
– A clean environment.
– Feeling safe, secure and respected.
– Health care – To see a doctor or a nurse when you need to.

Possible follow up Activities 

Can you…

(Early Level)
Draw or list people who can help you stay healthy and safe. What are their jobs?

(1st Level)
Make a list with words or pictures of as many kinds of exercise you can think of

(2nd Level)
The new hospitals being built are called Nightingales. Who are they named after and what did this person do to enable the right to good quality healthcare?

Reflection/Pupil voice
It’s time to get your thinking hats on!

What do you do that respects your right and other people’s right to be healthy?

How does the woman pictured above help us to access health and health services?

Have you taken part in ‘Clap for Carers’? What else could you do to show you care? For example you could put a poster on your window or send a picture or a card to say thank you to hospital, local GP or care home.

Click on the picture above to hear a brand new song, ‘Water, Food, Rest and Exercise.

May 4, 2020
by Mr Green

Additional Links for Learning

Happy Star Wars Day!

Here are some STEM learning links.


Scale of the universeLink

Scroll left of right to zoom in or expand the universe. If you click on an item to learn more about it.


Lots of information and STEM based ideas for home learning.

National Geographic KidsLink

Fun facts and information linked to different scientific areas.

Science KidsLink

Games and information linked to a variety of science topics.

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