Nursery Information


During their time at nursery your child will be encouraged to play in a variety of areas. All learning within the nursery is through play and the children are allowed to move freely from one activity to another during the session.

Within the nursery there is a numeracy area to promote mathematical skills, a literacy area to encourage the development of language skills, ICT including laptops, desktops, an interactive whiteboard and even a wii, an art area, sand and water play, construction, a library and a musical area.

The outdoor area is open during the session for children to experience outdoor learning activities including riding bikes, planting, skipping and playing games together. The children are encouraged to go out in all weather and we provide waterproof trousers, jackets and Wellington boots for wet weather play.

During the session the children take part in group time led by their key worker. This encourages the children to work together to learn more about their topic or about things that interest them.

The snack table is open during free play for the children to enjoy. Snack takes many forms but usually consists of cereal, crackers, yoghurts, fruit and the pumpkin soup is always a big hit! Before leaving nursery the children are encouraged to brush their teeth before enjoying listening to a story together.