Tag Archives: Golden Time

Bronze Awards

The majority of our pupils have earned their Bronze Award on the first week it was available which is a great achievement. We had a special fun afternoon today as a surprise for those children who have not lost any Golden time at all this year. All of the teachers planned fun activities such as dancing, painting, sport, pampering and lots more to say well done to the pupils for their excellent behaviour.

The certificates will be sent home soon – once the children have had an opportunity to show them off at assembly on Monday.

Going for Gold

Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences on children’s lives. Parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour.” Parental Involvement Act 2006

As part of our on-going commitment to promoting positive behaviour we are continuing with our Going for Gold initiative within the school. The main focus will be to encourage the children to “keep the golden rules” which are:

  • Do be gentle                              Do be kind and helpful                         Do be honest
  • Do look after property          Do work hard                                           Do listen to others

Children will be encouraged to work towards a specified target of keeping all of their Golden Time each week. At the end of June those children who have met that target will receive a fantastic reward. This year we had bouncy castles, a theatre company, birds of prey display, arts and crafts activities, hair spray, beauty treatments and face painting. The Golden Day was a great success and enjoyed by all children.  This year, each term we hope to reward children who do not lose any Golden Time at all.  This may be a DVD or sports activity or other fun activity.

You will be notified when your child achieves bronze and silver awards throughout the year. Your and your child will be made aware on a weekly basis if they have lost any Golden Time.

Inappropriate Behaviour

If your child loses 15 minutes of their Golden Time within a week, you will be notified by letter. If the inappropriate behaviour continues then your child will be referred to one of the Principal Teachers who will discuss your child’s behaviour with him/her. The Principal Teachers will work with the following stages:

P1-3 Mrs Fleck         P4/5 Mrs Ferrie           P6/7 Mrs Grant

If a child continues to show little improvement in their behaviour after working with a PT then parents will be invited into a meeting with Mr Clark or Mrs Queen to discuss further options in addressing the behaviour. Mrs Bryson will work with children who are struggling to modify their behaviour over a longer period of time.

We also operate a respect policy within the school. All members of our school community are encouraged to show respect for each other. Children in breach of this will be issued with a zero tolerance letter from the Head Teacher.

Throughout the process the main emphasis will always be on encouraging children to make the right choices and giving the child opportunities to achieve success.

If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school where a member of the management team will be happy to chat to you.