Category Archives: Primary 5

McMillan Coffee

Thanks to all the children who dressed down for McMillan. We were delighted at the huge turn out of parents and friends for our coffee afternoon. Everyone enjoyed the home baking and the school has to thank the school’s catering staff for providing all the delicious treats. It was a very busy afternoon with many pupils showing family and friends around the school.
We raised £717.92 which was a tremendous effort. Thanks to everyone for this very worthwhile cause.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and friends of the school who attended our Coffee Morning/Open Afternoon today.  We will let you know the total raised once it is finalised.

We were delighted with the turnout and the children just loved showing their families around the school.  It was a great opportunity for the school community to socialise – we hope you enjoyed meeting the teachers in an informal situation.

If you attended the event, we would love your feedback.  Please click here to leave a comment on the blog or email your thoughts to

Tannochside Eco Warriors

Tannochside Primary School is proud to announce their newly elected Eco Warriors.  There are representatives from every stage and we also have members from our nursery school, janitorial staff, school management members and some class teachers – more photos to be added!!  We have taken our first tentative steps towards our Eco Green Flag by conducting our checklist to evaluate where we are and where we want to go – but it will take lots of effort from everyone in the school and to be fair it is our long term objective/aim to achieve our Green Flag.  We promise to keep you updated on any initiatives we plan to introduce and hope to have your full support, and remember all great suggestions welcome.

We want to hear from you!

We are very grateful for the amount of visitors that come to our website, but we are receiving very few comments on our blog.  Please leave a comment after you have read an article!

To leave a comment, click on the top right of the message where it says the number of responses like this: 

Then follow these steps:

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Certificate Winners

This week’s certificates were Class Teacher Curriculum for Excellence awards.  The children were either successful learners, confident individuals or effective contributors to their class.  Well done!

Primary 1-3 Class Teacher Awards

Mrs. Ferrie and Mr. Clark presented Principal Teacher awards for children who have been responsible citizens…

Principal Teacher Awards

and the Terrific Work Awards to children nominated by their class teacher.

Terrific Work Awards

Here are the Golden Time raffle winners for P4-7 this week:

P4-7 Raffle Winners

News from Mrs Denney

Lots of exciting things to report- Mr Lyall and Mr Brunger, our school chaplains, have been into school to visit and have started a Scripture Union Club on a Monday lunchtime for P5-7 pupils. If you want come along, see me for a permission slip. This is a fun club with lots of different activities for pupils to enjoy.
Mr Brunger joined with us for last week’s assemblies and we had terrific fun playing his version of Red or Black.
We are again singing with Mrs Lyall alternate weeks with Infants and Junior / Seniors and we have already learned some new fun songs! Mrs Lyall and Mrs McGregor our Kodaly teacher are again running the school choir on a Thursday for pupils in P4-7 if you want join come along please do so.
Norbert Dentressangle the haulage company are supporting the school with a Road Safety Roadshow on Monday 10th October and it promises to be a very exciting event as they are bringing two lorries into the car park to make pupils aware of cycling safety and road safety around large haulage vehicles. More information to follow nearer the time.
Mr Clark’s class have been trained last week in Peer Mediation as you can see from the photographs and Mrs Fullerton’s class will be trained next week. NLC Inclusion Base are conducting this valuable training and all pupils in P7 will have this opportunity.
It’s so nice to see all our pupils in school uniform with indoor shoes and their PE kit. Remember to bring this every week as PE is important to keep fit and healthy.  Remember – no football colours in school on any belongings i.e. pencil cases, packed lunch boxes, jewellery etc.
Thanks to all parents/carers for being considerate in the car park by parking in designated bays and not parking or mounting pavements as our pupils need to be safe in the campus and it is everyone’s responsibility to be a considerate driver.