Category Archives: New

Exploring Autumn

Primary 2 have been very busy learning about seasons as part of our science topic. They have been exploring autumn in our ‘outdoor classroom.’ All children gathered leaves outdoors to create colour palettes. Some of the trees in our playground are still green but we will be keeping a close eye on them over the next couple of weeks. Everyone had a great time!

We have been working hard to settle in to primary 4.

In primary 4 we have all investigated Scotland using computers. This week our Red group have produced magnificent posters for their new reading book Midnight Pig. We are looking forward to our mums, dads and grandparents visiting us on Friday 30th September, to take part in our MacMillan Coffee morning. We would also like to thank all of the Mum’s and Dad’s who have come along every Friday to help with our Golden Time.

In primary 4 our weekly homework will be Monday pyramid spelling Tuesday maths Wednesday making sentences from our monday pyramid spelling Thursday will vary according to our topic.

What is Pyramid spelling? !! first write out the word, then split the word letter by letter, e.g. spelling s, sp, spe, spel, spell, spelli, spellin, spelling. Finally returning to the original word.

Our Gym day is Tuesday, all children should bring a polo shirt and shorts.

Our Wonderful Work on Display

North Lanarkshire has a dedicated Literacy Base where teachers can go for the latest training on reading, writing and spelling.  Our school was invited to create a wall display at the Base for teachers to get ideas and inspiration and to see the excellent work of our school.

Primary 5-7’s writing work was used to create an excellent display!  We will be the toast of North Lanarkshire.

Primary 7 Leavers’ Beach Party

The annual P7 Leavers’ Party took place this evening.  The theme was a beach party and the children really dressed the part.  The partied to the excellent DJ, enjoyed the chocolate fountain, ice-cream station and lots and lots of sweet treats!

Thank you to all of the teachers, parents and friends of the school who helped out – and extra special thanks to all of the parents who came to set up the hall and sent in items for the party.

Check out all of the fun below (and remember to leave a comment!)

P7 Award Service

Our Primary 7 pupils were the VIP guests at the annual awards service today.  Four children in Primary 7 were presented with a special reward, recognising their outstanding talents and abilities:

  • The Mr. McMann MSP Endeavour Award for Academic Achievement was presented by Councillor McCabe.
  • The Citizenship trophy was presented by Councillor Burrows.
  • The Pupil’s Pupil awards, nominated by the children, was presented by the class teachers, Mrs. Fullerton and Miss Brogan.

The children were presented with their leaving gift from the school, an Uddingston Grammar tie and a CD of photographs from Kilbowie.

The Parents’ Association gifted every pupil with a scientific calculator, which was presented by the Chairperson, Mrs Steele.

Mr. Stark opened and closed the service with a resounding chorus on the Bagpipes.

Thank you very much to all parents who attended and helped make it such a memorable event.  Thanks also goes to Mr. McKay, Mr. Lyall and Miss Roy who also accepted our invitation to attend.

Fire Drill

We had an unannounced Fire drill practice on Tuesday afternoon.  All of the staff and children left the building in just over 1 minute – an impressive figure for over 500 people!  We assembled on the all weather pitch and Mrs. Bryson said how pleased she was.  The children walked out of the building quickly but safely and calmly.  Well done to all the pupils!

Our HMIe Report

We were inspected by HMIe in the last week of January 2011.  They visited our class bays, spoke with the children and staff and observed all of the excellent work and events that happen in our school community.  They also invited staff, pupils and some parents to share their view of Tannochside Primary through questionnaires.  We are delighted with the very positive report and as a result, HMIe will not return in connection with this inspection.

What did HMIe say were Tannochside Primary School’s strengths

  • The commitment of all staff to creating a caring and supportive ethos in the school.
  • Enthusiasm and behaviour of the children.
  • Enthusiastic nursery staff who are embracing Curriculum for Excellence to improve children’s learning and provide a stimulating learning environment.
  • Positive links with the community to support the children’s development and wellbeing.

What did they say about our children?

  • The children are keen to learn.
  • The children are proud of their school.
  • They have positive relationships with staff.
  • They use information and communications technology (ICT) well to extend their learning.
  • The children contribute responsibly to school life through their pupil council, health promoting committee and the travel committee.
  • Across the school, children are developing an understanding of global issues through many fundraising activities.
  • In the nursery classes, children are highly motivated and sustain interest in their activities.

What did they say about the staff in Tannochside Primary School?

  • Staff know children well and have caring and supportive relationships with children and families.
  • They have high expectations of children’s behaviour and attendance.
  • Teachers use praise well.
  • The staff have made a very good start with the  Curriculum for Excellence.
  • They are helping children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills in stimulating topic work.
  • The school uses a wide range of ICT to enhance children’s learning in various areas of the curriculum. This includes good use of Glow, Scotland’s national schools’ intranet.
  • Support for learning teachers work very well with staff to plan to meet the needs of children who need more individual support.
  • The headteacher has created a very supportive school ethos in which children feel respected, valued and nurtured.
  • The headteacher is supported effectively by depute headteachers and principal teachers who have had a positive impact in their respective areas of responsibility.

You can access the full report here.

Any feedback or comments about the report can be left by clicking on the title of this post and then using the box at the bottom of the page

or emailed to