6 thoughts on “Primary 7 Leavers Beach Party 2012”

  1. That party was brilliant i know everyone that was there had a brilliant time it was the best party ever nothing can beat it.

    Thank you to Mr Clark and Mrs Fulerton
    For making it the best ever party and for making this year as fun as possible
    Thanks xxx

  2. mrs fullerton and mr clark it has came to an end with us i might not have been the best but use have been better than i thought.Dont shed a tear the class of 2012 will be back to come and see use so u better be prepared.There might of been some tears on thursday but it wont be the last timewe see use.Good luck in p5 mrs fullerton and good luck as deputy head mr clark xx.

  3. Hi am misssing Tannochside already i was no there on the last day because i was up the night before not well but as that night came i felt much better and was able to go on my holidays. i will be back to visit use all definitely. good bye Tannochside i will miss you guys lots xx

  4. Hi all – thank you for your kind comments the year/class of 2012 is a memorable one for me too. We all worked hard and reaped the benefits of it. Yes a few tears were indeed shed on our final day but I’d like to think they were happy tears – as I’ve often said you are all well prepared and absolutely ready for your High Schools. Please don’t be strangers keep Mr. Clark and I updated on all your successes. Good luck to everyone and enjoy your well earned break. Oh yes, and remember to “invest in yourself!”. Mrs. F

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