WW2 – War Preparations

P7a have enjoyed learning about the various war preparations introduced during WW2 to protect the population.  We now know that everyone (even some animals) were issued with gas masks, we were lucky enough to have some real ones from WW2 and so decided to make some ourselves.  We worked co-operatively to produce these and our Anderson shelters to reinforce what we had learned through our Social Studies.  Mrs Fullerton was very impressed with our efforts and thinks that we are all successful learners!

4 thoughts on “WW2 – War Preparations”

  1. I was really grateful that you brought your completed Anderson Shelters into my class – they really inspired the children when they came make their models.

  2. We loved making the anderson shelters and the gas masks. It was really fun and challenging to get the shelters to stay up. The gas masks were also very challenging to get the shape to sit right for the shape of the modelers head. We think it was the best art lesson in primary.

  3. I think our group worked well to build our Anderson Shelter and shared ideas with other groups so we did not need to steel ideas.

  4. It thought making anderson shelters were very fun and intresting because we got to do the whole garden and the shelter.We also got to use lots of materials.

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