After the storm

Primary 1 are learning about Percy the Park keeper. He has lots of friends and has recently made a new home for them in a hollowed out oak tree because their last house was destroyed by the storm. Percy and his adventures have been helping us learn about changing seasons. We have used sponges to learn about printing usingĀ  lovely Autumn colours. Hands and leaves will also be used for printing a variety of pictures.

We have had a very busy few weeks learning about Autumn, including songs about harvest time and animals getting ready to hibernate.

2 thoughts on “After the storm”

  1. This sounds like a really interesting topic. I love watching the leaves slowly change colour at this time of year. But I don’t like having to rake them all up when they fall off.

  2. Primary One I am so looking forward to seeing the pictures that you have printed and hearing about how you made them.
    Autumn is one of my favourite seasons and I love the different coloured leaves as the weather becomes a little bit colder.

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