Monday: Repost of Mr Hewitt’s HIIT from 18/02/2021 link can be accessed through your class team.
Wednesday: Post containing links to yoga and practice activities
Thursday: Live HIIT with Mr Hewitt 1pm
S3 Elective/Expressive
Pupils should continue to work on their training programme focusing on either Muscular Endurance or Aerobic Endurance. Now in weeks 3 and 4 pupils should identify if they need to make any changes to their programme and only make one change during these two weeks
S4 National
Pupils should look through the PowerPoint on Social Factors as revision and complete the questions set.
Higher PE
Pupils have now completed all topics within the Higher PE course. This means that the focus moves to a revision of content and upgrading knowledge. THANK YOU to all the pupils who have worked so hard throughout the year and especially through the months of online learning. The revision focus kicks off with Live Lessons on Factors Impacting (Performance and PDPs) on Monday and Tuesday for both classes. Over 90% of pupils attended last week’s Live Lessons so it would be great to match, or even improve these numbers.
Pupils are encouraged to get in touch if they have any questions via the Higher PE Teams page or by contacting Mr Ryan directly (email).
Sports Coaching
Sports coaches will be working through Outcome 4: Coach Education over the next few weeks where pupils are expected to research standards for coaches in different activities
Pupils must complete tasks 1-4 which now include working through a training programme focussing on improving wellbeing.
All Pupils
Remember to record your km when out walking this week for our virtual pilgrimage to South Sudan. A form will be posted on Friday on the THS Community team to record pupils distance. Happy Walking!