S3 Biology sampling techniques

Recently our new S3 Biology students have been using different sampling techniques to assess the distribution of plants and animals within the school grounds.  They had fun identifying some of the organisms found in our sweep samples and Mrs McCranor helped to point out some indicator species using the visualiser and how to assess the water quality of our local areas.

We also listened to an aquatic biologist talk about her career and how it is related to sampling techniques. (Click on the link below to watch).

Aquatic biologist

British Science Week 2021 for S1 and S2

National Science Week (2 weeks for Taylor High School) is a celebration of Science, Technology and Engineering.  It starts this week and will end on Friday 14/03/21.  You will have many opportunities to take part in lots of fun activities through accessing the Science Virtual Classroom in the S1 Science Team which you are a member of.

You will have 2 assignments to complete:

Assignment 1 – To post at least 1 photograph of you taking part in the many activities available, but please post lots to let us see what you got up to.

Assignment 2 – Competitions Time.  This is a quiz to complete our National Science Week event.

Good luck all, and we hope you have a fun filled 2 weeks.

National 4 Biology

We are moving onto DNA, genes and chromosomes.  Week 8 learning grid is in the Team.  Pupils should work through the activities all week.  Activities in boxes 1-4 should be completed by Tuesday.  Tutorial on Tuesday will cover all the points in this topic.  All pupils are asked to submit their assignments before Friday (this is in your Team).

Higher Human Biology

We will start unit 3 this week.  The beginning of this unit will cover neurobiology.  Learning grid for week 8 is in your HHB Team.  Please see grid for all your work.  There will be a live lesson on Wednesday P2 and 3.  Plus a tutorial on Friday P2. A “drop in” will be available to any HHB with their teacher on Friday P6, to cover any aspects of the work they may have difficulty with.  The “drop in” will also look at past paper questions from 1.2.

Week beginning 1st March S4 National 5 Biology

You will find this weeks work on your virtual classroom posted on remote learning week 8 on your class team.

This weeks work covers transport across the cell membrane.  Students should read the PowerPoints and complete their class notes using Unit 1 workbook 2.  There will be a live lesson on Tuesday period 1 and 2 going over the PowerPoints on transport across the cell membrane and the class notes.  Assignments will be posted during the week.  There will also be a live tutorial on Friday periods 3 and 4.

Advanced Higher Biology

This week pupils will investigate the life cycle of the parasitic infection Schistosomiasis and viral life cycles.  Pupils will then begin to learn about transmission, virulence and ways that the immune system defends against parasitic attack.

Senior National 5

This week pupils will begin to work on the Ecosystems topic.  Pupils will have recorded lessons and extended response questions to complete before their tutorial on Thursday.

Week beginning 22/02 Higher Human Biology

Reminder that the Cholesterol essay is to be done before Wednesday.  Hand it in as an assignment in Teams.  Now that we have finished 2.7 pathology of cardiovascular disease, we will be moving onto the final subunit of unit 2, 2.8 “Blood glucose levels and Obesity”.  Pupils are being asked to read through the PowerPoint and try to fill in pupil notes.  Wednesday’s live lesson p2 and 3 will go over the control of blood glucose and calculating BMI.

Homework 9 should be completed before Friday.  Our tutorial will go over Homework 9 and the Cholesterol essay,  Unit 1 past paper questions covering stem cells has been posted in your new REVISION folder in your class notebook.  Pupils are encouraged to do these questions in their past paper jotter before Friday.  Answers will be posted, and any help required will be offered.

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