House System

St. Patrick’s Primary operates a house system. Every child and member of staff has been allocated to one of four houses to support. Houses help create community spirit and give the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger that involves children from all year groups.

The main aim of our house system is to:

Promote Positive behaviour within the school by motivating the children to be respectful to all, behave in appropriate ways and raise the standards of the behaviour within the school in general.

We have 4 houses called:

  • Baton
  • Fortissat
  • Kingshill
  • Starryshaw

Each house will has a specific colour and every child was issued with a coloured badge so that they can easily identify who is in each house.

Each house will be represented by House Captains and  two Vice House Captains . The House Captains will be responsible for selecting potential charities and promoting those charities, leading their house in competitions and events, and representing the school in the community. Each house is supported by a member of staff who acts as House Leader.  Every child in the primary stages of the school  has be grouped into a house group.

Any new pupils that arrive during the academic year will be allocated a house when they are put onto the role.


The Golden Tokens

Tokens can be awarded by staff to any pupil that shows good behaviour e.g.

Showing respect to staff, peers etc. good behaviour in class

Being courteous, i.e. holding doors etc. good behaviour in lessons

Being helpful and kind towards others 

 Tidying up correctly

Volunteering to assist.

Participation in events representing the school


Once a pupil is allocated a token it is their duty to look after them carefully and when it is at a suitable time for the class teacher they should put the token into their class house point display.

No house should ever lose tokens due to the misdemeanour of a pupil from that house.

This system encourages children to become responsible citizens, successful learners, effective contributors to society and confident individuals.  It enhances their development of respect to each other and to their community.

Every week, the house points are counted by our House Captains and a weekly winner announced.  Each House will have a Golden Pathway to complete. The winning house will colour 4 stars on their pathway, 2nd will colour 2 stars, 3rd will colour 2 stars and the house coming last will colour 1 star. This allows each house to follow their own pathway to rewards. Special rewards for winning houses are discussed with house captains and agreed with the head teacher.

Once a week (Friday lunchtime) the tokens will be collected by the house captains and vice captains and will then be counted with the results announced to each class.

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