Parent Council


The Parent Council’s rights and duties include:

a) supporting the work of the school;
b) representing the views of parents/carers;
c) consulting with parents/carers and reporting back to the Parent Forum on
matters of interest;
d) promoting contact between the school, parents/carers, pupils and the wider
e) fundraising;
f) taking part in the selection of senior promoted staff;
g) receiving reports from the Head Teacher and education authority
h) receiving an annual budget for administration, training and other expenses
i) improving home school partnership and facilitating parental involvement

Members of Parent Councils, on a voluntary basis, may also have an advisory role in decisions on placing requests by parents in respect of those situations where the number of placing requests for a particular school or for a particular stage in a particular school exceeds the number of places available.

Parent Council meetings normally take place on the first Tuesday of every month and are open to members of the public. All parents/guardians of children who are pupils at this school are entitled to vote in elections. Elections take place every three years and if there are more applications to join the parent council then a vote will be taken to elect new members. 39

The Head Teacher has a right and duty to attend all meetings of the Parent Council. The Head Teacher acts as the professional adviser to the Parent Council. In line with the agreed Parent Council Constitution, the parent members of the Parent
Council will be selected for a period of 2 years after which they may put themselves forward for re-selection if they wish. In the event that the number of parents wishing to join the council is greater than the number of places available names will be selected by the drawing of lots.



Mrs Michelle Jabar – Chairperson
Mrs Andrea Rankin – Treasurer
Ms Theresa Zambonini – Vice Treasurer
Mrs Catrina McCardle – Secretary
Vacancy Church Representative
Mrs Louise Rodgers – Parent/Fundraising Representative
Mrs Donna Kane – Parent/ Fundraising Representative
Mrs Arlene Kelly – Head Teacher and Adviser
Mrs Claire Park – Principal Teacher and Adviser
Vacancy –  Clerk


The Pupil Council operates within the school and is represented by pupils from primary 3-7. They meet on a weekly basis to review matters that are a concern to themselves and the school. They would invite members of the Parent Council to attend meetings if their view are sought to impact at whole school level.

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