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 As well as the formal interviews with parents to discuss children’s progress, parents are invited to attend Curricular Workshops and regular Whole School events. Meetings are arranged for the parents of children going to Kilbowie Outdoor Centre and for parents of children preparing for Sacraments. Parents are kept in touch about current and future events by letter, newsletters, school app and daily tweets on Twitter. Parents are invited to whole school assemblies and various events throughout the school year.

At St. Mary’s we have an active policy of promoting community links. We have established a strong partnership with our Community Learning & Development Worker through a number of different initiatives. We are also business partners with St Andrew’s Hospice, Albert Bartlett and Heartstart and have yearly planned programmes to strengthen our links. We value the expertise within our community, our semi-rural location and work to capitalize on all that they have to offer in order to benefit our pupils and share our pupils learning.

Our pupils are actively encouraged to be responsible citizens and to make a positive impact not only to their school and local community but also to society as a whole through their global citizenship.

At St. Mary’s we pride ourselves on being an active, achieving school that promotes a community of faith and learning. We are committed to promoting parental enrichment that impacts on the attainment and achievement of our pupils.  We do this in a number of ways.  A structured homework programme enables parents to support pupils learning at home whilst ensuring parents become more knowledgeable about their child’s learning and their next steps.  Parents are kept well-informed about their child’s learning and progress through learning journals, learning conversations, 6 weekly cycle of jotters being sent home, meet the teacher event, curricular events and parents evenings. Parents are invited to school twice each year to discuss their child’s progress.  Parents may visit the school or arrange an appointment if there is an issue which concerns them or if they wish more information.  If a parent has a concern about the pupil the school has a clear policy for dealing with parental complaints and will engage in a dialogue of exchange that is minuted, with agreed actions and timescales set.



Please see some useful links below:-

Parentzone Scotland

Film guide to Skills Development Scotland’s Careers Services

Skills Development Scotland: Virtual Project Manager App

National Parent Forum of Scotland:Report

Early Learning and Childcare:Action Plan

Scottish Parent Teacher Council – Partnership Schools Scotland

Career conversations with your child:-

Career conversations in a nutshell

Careers in digital technology

Report a Glow concern
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