Head Teachers Message

Dear Parent,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you warmly to St Mary’s Primary School. I hope you find our blog interesting and helpful as it aims to provide essential information about the community of faith and learning we actively promote within St. Mary’s Primary School.


Our blog has been compiled in order that we might:

  1. Give you some general information about the school.
  2. Offer a brief outline of our educational and pastoral aims for your child(ren)
  3. Give statements on our curricular content

When your child first joins us here in St Mary’s Primary, we are all entering a new partnership with the same aim in mind – to provide the highest quality of education for your child in order to meet their educational, personal and spiritual needs and to best prepare them to make an effective contribution to society in their present and future lives. It is of the utmost importance to us that your child is happy, feels secure and safe and is encouraged to take a full part in the wider life of our school.

The staff team work very hard to create a happy, secure atmosphere in class and to encourage and support your child to achieve their best. This is best brought about when home and school are working together and communicating openly. At St. Mary’s we actively encourage parental partnership throughout the school year and promote your involvement in the community life of the school.

We fully endorse the policies of North Lanarkshire Council and strive to provide a Curriculum for Excellence where our pupils can develop within the four capacities of Successful Learner, Responsible Citizen, Confident Individual and Effective Contributor.

I look forward to working in partnership with you and your family. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Arlene Kelly

Head Teacher

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