Assessment & Reporting


Assessment is an important part of the Curriculum for Excellence and, at all levels, pupils’ progress in closely monitored by teachers and staff. In turn, teachers and staff work with pupils to reflect on their results, looking at their strengths and learning needs, agreeing next steps and action based on these. As they progress, pupils become more involved in this process, as they develop the skills to make effective judgements on their own learning, developing personal expertise that will be important to them throughout
life. Assessment also helps teachers plan learning experiences which are motivating and challenging. Children who may have additional support needs will be assessed using methods best suited to their individual requirements.

Assessment in St. Mary’s is ongoing to include:

• Observation by the class teacher/member of management
• Monitoring of pupil work
• Baseline Assessments in P1
• P1 PIPS Assessment twice yearly
• Regular professional dialogue between teacher and SMT
• Maths checkups and Teejay topic assessment
• Benchmarking reading
• SNSA Testing at P1, 4 and 7
• Twice yearly MALT testing
• Single Word Reading/Spelling assessment twice yearly
• IDL assessment P3-7 twice yearly

How will my child’s learning be assessed?

In classrooms staff will be using improved ways of assessing children’s learning taking account of national and local advice and guidance. Your child’s progress will be reported to you so that you know how well your child is doing. Each year the school will let you know what is being done to continue to implement Curriculum for Excellence so that you can be confident that your child is receiving a high quality education.

At St. Mary’s Primary we aim to provide all our pupils with a curriculum that is fully reflective of a Curriculum of Excellence, providing challenge, personalisation and choice and relevance for todays’ rapidly changing society. We will equip our pupils with skills for learning, life and work through a balanced and broad curriculum. We actively promote parental partnership and involvement in both the community life of the school and in supporting their child’s learning at home. We hold a parent information evening
and parental workshops to provide information, support and advice about the delivery of the curriculum.
Each year, there will be two parent meetings and parents will receive a written report detailing their child’s progress across the curriculum. This will also highlight the child’s particular achievements and also identify next steps in learning. Details about the curriculum will be available on our school blog and feature regularly on our school newsletter.

Further details about the school curriculum can be found on
www.educationscotland or www.parentzone

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