

The issue of bullying is dealt with through our Personal and Social
Development programme and whole school assemblies. Children are encouraged to tell an adult either in the playground, in class or at
home if they, or anyone else, feel they are being treated badly.

An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms
of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland)
Regulations 1990. We can only take steps to deal with undesirable behaviour if we know about it. The school employs restorative practice in dealing with incidents of bullying behaviour. When behaviour is such that further punishment is warranted, this would most likely take the form of a deprivation of privilege i.e. missing an interval or loss of Fun 4’s Friday. Where behaviour is consistently unacceptable and previous sanctions have failed, then parents will be invited to meet with the Head Teacher and discussions will take place to  devise a co-operative approach to discipline.

A copy of the school’s anti-bullying policy is available. The recording of bullying or alleged bullying incidents are recorded electronically as part of the school monitoring system.

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