Posted on February 9, 2017March 10, 2020Twitter Our school now has an Twitter account where we will be posting pictures and information about the children and their learning. Check out what’s going on by following us @StJosephsPrima2 or click the link below to go directly to the site. St. Joseph’s Primary Twitter Account
Posted on February 9, 2017February 9, 2017Non Uniform day On Friday the 10th of February we are having a non-uniform day to support the Malawi Project. Please bring £1 per family to dress down. Thank you!
Posted on February 9, 2017February Newsletter Please click on the link below to view the February newsletter. February-news-2017
Posted on February 9, 2017St. Joseph’s Day Coffee Morning Coffee Morning The St. Joseph’s Day Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday the 18th of March 2017. Could you please hand in any raffle prizes, home baking, tombola items to the school office before Friday the 17th of March. Thank you for your continued help and support.