Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

February 14, 2018
by Miss Hood

Dinosaur Showcase

P2 and P3/2 enjoyed sharing their learning with parents and carers. We learned lots about dinosaurs and really enjoyed this topic. We shared our artwork, research and writing at the showcase and also had fun playing some games.

January 16, 2018
by Mr McKeever

We Love the Snow!

P3/2 had a great time today exploring the snow. After practising our spellings by writing them in the snow, we had a great time playing in the snow. We can’t understand why all the adults are complaining about the snow, … Continue reading

November 20, 2017
by Miss Hood


In primary 3/2 we have been learning all about the 1980s! We enjoyed learning about the Glasgow Garden Festival and designing our own logo for it, we loved looking at photos of popular cars in the 1980s and we had … Continue reading

September 4, 2017
by Mr McKeever

Changes to Lunch Menu

North Lanarkshire has announced a number of important changes to their lunch menu. Chocolate and strawberry flavoured milk is being phased out and other healthier changes are being implemented during the week. All pupils were issued with a letter detailing … Continue reading

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