Primaries 4, 5/4 and 5 joined in with the BBC Authors Live interactive talk this morning. Pamela Butchart has written books such as Never Tickle a Tiger, My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat, The Spy who Loved School Dinners and Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies. It was lots of fun and we learned some tips about how to creative imaginative stories using just a crisp!!!! At the end of the session Pamela showed us how to draw the Vampire Rat from her book.
Primary 5D have had lots of fun in maths so far this week. We have been outdoors where we played Stepping Stones to improve our recall of times tables facts, worked co-operatively in class on number games and we even used our problem solving skills to meet a design challenge! The boys and girls have been using the iPads to access Sumdog to take part in the Scottish Maths Week competition. Here are some photos of us hard at work.
Our two JRSOs attended a training morning in Cumbernauld on Tuesday 5th September. During the morning our Junior Road Safety Officers had the chance to discuss their plans for the year ahead and plan their first event of the new school session. Watch out for information in school bags soon!
P4S and P4/3 have been enjoying their badminton coaching sessions over the last three weeks. We are very impressed with the skills they are showing. Who knows, we may have have some future badminton champions.
North Lanarkshire has announced a number of important changes to their lunch menu. Chocolate and strawberry flavoured milk is being phased out and other healthier changes are being implemented during the week.
All pupils were issued with a letter detailing the changes on Friday 1st September. We would ask all parents to discuss these changes with their child.
Physical Education is an extremely important element of your child’s education. We would ask you to ensure that they bring the appropriate clothing on these days. For Health & Safety reasons, pupils will be asked to remove jewellery before participating in P.E. lessons. Pupils with pierced ears should remove their earrings before gym lessons. If earrings cannot be removed they should be taped over. Pupils must bring their own tape.
Your child’s gym days are noted below, however, due to school activities and events, there may be times during the school session when these days change. Your child’s teacher will inform you on an ongoing basis of any changes to the normal gym days. We recommend that your child leaves their gym kit in school on their coat peg so that it is accessible at all times.
Following recent events in London, one of our pupils wanted to organise an event to show his support and for all those affected. Following lots of discussion and planning, a group of pupils completed a sponsored walk/run around Stepps. They completed the course three times, and raised an extremely impressive £530 for the Red Cross in the process.
Well done boys, you showed care, consideration and respect for others – exactly what we expect from our pupils at Stepps Primary. We are very proud of you!
Our P5 pupils from P5/4 made a great start to their French class today. We revised simple French greetings as well as the French vocabulary for Miss, Mrs and Mr. Well done everyone.