Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

February 14, 2018
by Miss McCurrach


P1M started learning about measure last week. We discussed non-standard units of measure and measured eachother using rulers and hands. As you can see it was a lot of fun and we managed to put ourselves in height order.

February 14, 2018
by Mrs Shaw
1 Comment

Success in Primary 4S

This week we celebrate the success of one of our class mates. This pupil always tries her very best in class.

She works hard in all areas of the curriculum. She is a delightful and valued member of our class.

And as you can see she always has a smile on her face!

Well Done!

February 14, 2018
by Mrs Shaw

Gymnastic in Primary 4

In Primary 4S we have been learning about gymnastics this term. We have been looking at how we control our body and use different movements. The pupils have been enjoying learning about balancing, rolling and jumping and have been given the opportunity to develop this by creating and practising using different criteria. Some pupils even named their movements. we had movements such as: the dab balance, the valentine roll, the zig zag roll and the meatball roll.


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February 12, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Dress Down Day for the NSPCC

We are delighted to announce that our Dress Down Day for the NSPCC was a great success. A cheque for £400 has been forwarded to the NSPCC to support all the great work they carry out.

Well done everyone! 

February 12, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Scottish Week Winners

The standard of our Scottish verse recitals and Scotish artwork was extremely high again this year. We continue to be impressed by the complex pieces of poetry that our learners prepare for our Scottish week recitals. We celebrated all things Scottish at our special assembly on Wednesday 31st January and all our winners were presented with thier Burns Federation certificates.

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February 12, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Work To Be Proud Of!

We love it when pupils are sent to visit the SMT to show off their fantastic work! Pupils have shared their achievements in writing and Computer Science with us so far this month. We can’t wait to have more visits as the term progresses. Well done everyone!

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February 12, 2018
by Mr McKeever

House System

Our new House System is up and running! All pupils have been allocated a House and issued with a free House badge. House Captains and Vice House Captains have been voted for by members of their House, and a new House display has been created in our entrance foyer.

We are looking forward to undertaking lots of House activities and competitions in the coming months.

Clyde in the Classroom – P5D

February 7, 2018 by Mrs De Rosa | 0 comments

Primary 5 D have begun the Clyde in the Classroom project this term with the arrival of 200 brown trout eggs to look after for the next 4-5 weeks. We were so excited when they arrived and couldn’t believe they were so small!! We have been working hard to regulate the temperature in the hatchery using frozen bottles of water to replicate the water temperature in their natural environment, this is harder than it sounds. We learned how to read a thermometer so that we can keep the temperature around 8 degrees Celsius. So far all of our eggs are still alive but none have hatched yet. We will keep you posted on their progress!!

This gallery contains 6 photos

P5D – SSPCA Visit

February 7, 2018 by Mrs De Rosa | 0 comments

Today P5D had a visit from the SSPCA. We learned about the role of the SSPCA officers who help to rescue animals that are neglected, abused or abandoned. The SSPCA help to rescue, rehabilitate, release or rehome domestic, farm and wild animals. During the workshop we watched video clips, asked questions about the types of animals rescued and also took part in a quiz to test our knowledge.

I enjoyed the wildlife game because it taught us some interesting animal facts – Aylajean

The video clips told us about the role of the SSPCA and how we can contact them if an animal needs help – Guy

I learned that the SSPCA care for animals that are neglected, abused or abandoned – Corin

This gallery contains 9 photos

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