Both P7 classes have been busy recording their first song, “Everest” as part of the Youth Music Initiative Project. We are looking forward to showcasing this at Motherwell Concert Hall on Wednesday 7th March.
Posted by Mrs Stewart & Miss Allan
February 22, 2018 by Mrs De Rosa | 5 Comments
We had a visit yesterday from Willie, our visiting scientist for Clyde in the Classroom. He checked our hatchery and was really impressed with how well our fish are being looked after! Out of 200 eggs that were given to us we have around 193 that have hatched and are now classed as alevins. We have been learning about the life cycle of the brown trout and are now waiting until they develop and grow before they can be released into a local river.
Have a look at the video of our alevins, you should notice that they huddle together around the pebbles to hide. This is because in the wild they are in reds under the stones and don’t like light. Willie told us that the scientific term for this is negatively phototactic.
February 20, 2018 by Miss Davidson | 0 comments
As part of our Wonders of the World topic we looked at the modern engineering wonders of the world – The Golden Gate Bridge being one of them. We worked in groups in class to plan and design our very own bridge to build in class. We had to complete an order form with the materials that we would like to use. During the build time we had the opportunity to trade in materials that were not working for us and the build for other materials that we felt would be more useful. Everyone worked well in their team, listening to each other and helping to solve design problems.
This gallery contains 14 photos
February 15, 2018 by Mrs Shaw | 5 Comments
Recently, as you may know, the whole school participated in celebrating Scottish Week. In Primary 4S there were many of the pupils who came dressed wearing something tartan. I am sure you will agree they all look fabulous! Everyone had to learn a Scottish Poem which was very difficult as we had to learn how to pronounce some traditional Scots words. However, all of the pupils then performed reciting their poem to the rest of the class and I had the very, very difficult decision of choosing 2 pupils to do so at the school assembly. The 2 pupils I chose did find it quite nerve racking but we were very proud of them.
We also looked at some art work by Steven Brown and were inspired to create our own McCoos in his style. We chose 2 pupils that had produced good pieces of art work.
February 15, 2018
by Mrs Shaw
Both P7 classes have been busy recording their first song, “Everest” as part of the Youth Music Initiative Project. We are looking forward to showcasing this at Motherwell Concert Hall on Wednesday 7th March.
Posted by Mrs Stewart & Miss Allan
February 15, 2018
by Mrs De Rosa
1 Comment
This afternoon we were learning about static electricity and positive and negative charges. We investigated materials that can be attracted by a positive charge using a balloon and had lots of fun doing it! We found that the positive charges attracted paper, tin foil and we could make our hair stand on end. Here are some photos of us in action.
February 15, 2018
by User deactivated
Primary 1 carried out a lot of interdisciplinary work during Scottish Week. We recited a Scottish poem, tasted a variety of traditional Scottish food, created a bar graph of our favourite Scottish food, read a variety of Katie Morag books, wrote about our favourite Katie Morag book, created a Haggis during art and found Scotland on a map of the U.K. Wow, we were very busy indeed!
made a bar graph of our favour
February 15, 2018 by User deactivated | 0 comments
Primary 1K enjoyed using a variety of art techniques and media to produce some lovely Winter art work.
This gallery contains 7 photos
February 15, 2018
by Miss Belshaw
Primary 1B were very busy during Scottish week. We were exploring using maps to find Scotland in the world and the U.K. and we could name some cities we have visited in Scotland. We learned who Robert Burns was and why we celebrate Burns Day, we could even find the date on our class calendar. We listened to lots of Katie Morag stories and wrote about our favourite. In P.E. we have been dancing to some Scottish music and were able to learn different steps in time with the music. On the last day of Scottish week we got to taste some Scottish food, it was delicious! We then made a bar chart to show our favourite Scottish food. Don’t forget to check out our haggis art we made!
February 15, 2018
by Miss Belshaw
Primary 1B had an exciting afternoon out in the snow, we worked in teams to explore the different steps of how to build a snowman. The next day we then wrote a set of instructions- check out some of our fantastic writing!
February 14, 2018
by User deactivated
In January P6b worked on their superhero skills – from strength to teamwork.
Various tasks tested our abilities and we learned to keep trying when the going gets tough. From building towers made of paper to team problem solving, the class shared knowledge and worked together.