In St David’s Primary School assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, and pupils are continuously assessed in an informal way as part of the daily class routine. A wide range of different assessment strategies are used to encourage pupils to recognise their own strengths and areas for development.
Reporting is able to provide parents with regular information about their children’s strengths and development needs, an opportunity to discuss with their children their progress in different aspects of the curriculum and a chance to give their views on their children’s progress. It also allows staff to respond, helping parents to understand how they can support their children to develop their learning further. Learners themselves should be in a good position to contribute to discussions about written reports and about their progress in learning at consultation meetings with parents.
In addition to this, at different points throughout the year, standardised assessments may be used to help teachers assess pupil progress and to identify any strengths and diagnose any barriers to learning.
Parents are invited to attend parents evenings during term 1 and term 3, to discuss their child’s progress and any areas of concern.
All parents will receive a written school report each year. This will indicate pupil’s progress in all areas of the curriculum. Curriculum for Excellence developments are being taken forward through the priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan.