St. Brendan's Primary School and Nursery

We are voyaging together in a community of faith, love and learning.

Primary 1B and 1C Term Letter


Dear Parent/Guardian,
We hope you enjoyed the Easter break. Here is a brief overview of the learning that will be taking place in our Primary one class during term four.

Children will follow North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy programme for spelling, phonics and reading.
In phonics we will be learning the sounds ai, oy and oa as well as consolidating all of our initial sounds. Children will be introduced to the phonemes through a multi-sensory approach. One Phoneme will be introduced each week alongside three spelling words. Children are now able to recognise and write initial sounds and will continue to consolidate the skills of blending and sounding out unfamiliar words. Please continue to revise all common words and sounds taught to date regularly with your child so they are able to recall the sounds or words instantly.
We will be co-ordinating our handwriting with the sounds we are learning. Children will use whiteboards in class along with other kinaesthetic and visual materials such as plasticine to practise letter formation and early writing patterns. Please encourage your child to practise writing the letters using the correct formation.

Children will get two reading books each week. (Monday and Wednesday) These books give you an opportunity for you and your child to enjoy reading together. Children should begin to identify the common words within the reading books and use their knowledge of sounds to sound out words. You can help your child by talking about the pictures in the book to help find clues about the story and the characters and also encourage them to make predictions about what may happen next in the story.

In numeracy we will be learning about measure (capacity and weight), data handling, symmetry and fractions. Numeracy is taught actively here at St. Brendan’s through stories, games, number rhymes and songs.

Social Studies
This term the children will be learning about Dinosaurs. Through the context the children will learn to work as part of a group. They will also be responsible for making decisions about their learning, where they work and the resource they will need to complete tasks. We will be focusing on the past and learning about how dinosaurs used to live, what they used to eat and what they looked like. We will be learning how to use books and the internet to find out new and exciting information. There will be lots of opportunities for active learning through role play, art, water play, construction, writing and outdoor learning.

Health & Wellbeing
PE this term will be on a Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
PE this term will be on a Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.

The children will be working on ball skills and coordination. We will also be preparing for sports day by practising a variety of different races.


In Religious Education the children will be learning about our catholic values. We will also be learning about Mary. We will be listening to a variety of bible stories and enjoying the messages they portray.

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks
Miss Burns and Miss Cochrane

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