Dear Parent/Guardian,
We hope you all had a fantastic Easter holiday and it was lovely speaking to you all at Parent’s Night.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children on making their Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a beautiful service and the children, along with their families, worked very hard to prepare for this sacrament.
This term will be particularly busy for our Primary 7 children as they head off to Kilbowie and continue their preparation for high school and planning their leavers’ events.
Once again this letter will provide you with a brief overview of the learning that will take place this term in Primary 7.
The children will continue to follow North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy programme for Spelling, Reading, Writing and Listening and Talking. This programme will help to develop further their literacy skills and provide exciting and new challenges.
This term the children will complete one group novel with a text suitable for their age and stage. This will be an opportunity for the children to apply all of their prior learning and demonstrate their ability and understanding of the Active Literacy Strategies. The novels will be read at home by the children and there will be reading homework on a weekly basis. The children should be encouraged to complete all reading homework on the allocated nights as the classwork will coincide with the reading homework.
This term, Primary 7 will explore volume and weight, expressions and equations, patterns and relationships, angles, negative numbers and maps and coordinates. It is important that the pupils continue to practise their times tables at home to support their numeracy. The children will have the opportunity to learn these skills and concepts through a mixture of both active and written tasks. This will enable the children to apply their learning across contexts and see a real purpose to their learning.
Health and Wellbeing
This children’s Health and Wellbeing topic will link to Religious Education this term as the children will explore God’s Loving Plan. This programme helps children to develop healthy and respectful attitudes to their bodies and to relationships with families and friends.
This term in Physical Education the children will develop their skills in striking and fielding. The children will participate in a variety of games which challenge their team work, co-ordination, spatial awareness and stamina.
Interdisciplinary Learning
The children of Primary 7 will be exploring ‘18th Century Scotland’ this term. This theme will provide opportunities for the children to examine historical Scottish society by exploring the Highland Clans and the lives of Scottish people during this time period which they will then compare with our current society. The children will apply their learning across the curriculum with a particular focus within the curriculum areas of Social Studies, Expressive Arts and Technologies.
Primary 7 will be exploring an exciting science topic this term which is Forces. The children will look at friction, magnetic, electrostatic and gravitational forces and will also explore floating and sinking.
Religious Education
Religious Education will be taught through the ‘This Is Our Faith’ programme. This term Primary 7 will explore Holy Week, Eastertide, Pentecost and Trinity Sunday.
The children’s homework will help to support their on-going classwork and I would appreciate your support in ensuring the children keep up with all homework tasks.
Many thanks,
Miss McShane