Dear Parent/Guardian,
Can you believe we are in term 3 already! And what a busy term it will be for us….
The children are coping well with their Active Literacy programmes and will continue to follow these for Spelling, Reading, Writing and Listening and Talking.
The children are still progressing well through the literacy programme, Gryffindor will read . Hufflepuff will continue to read a variety of books and work their way through the reading programme. The Potter spelling group will focus on Unit 5 and 6 of the active literacy programme, which includes the phonemes ‘ue’ and ‘ff’. The Weasley spelling group will focus on the phonemes ‘sh’ ‘y’ ‘i-e’, ‘o-e’ ‘a-e’ and ‘u-e’ as well as their weekly common words.
In writing this term children will be focusing on Recounts and Instructions. We are looking forward to writing instructions on some of the things we make for our topic.
In Maths this term we will be learning about Fractions,. In Fractions children will be looking at halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths. Children will also explore weight and mesaure..
Health and Wellbeing
This term in Physical Education the children will be continuing to develop their ball skills through learning about basketball and netball.
Interdisciplinary Learning
Our topic this term is ‘Ancient Egypt’. The children are so excited to learn about how the ancient Egyptians lived. They will explore the lives of pharaohs and pyramids.
Religious Education
In Religious Education this term children will be learning about the seaon of Lent and Easter. They will also start their preparations for their First Holy Communion..
Keep up to date with our learning through twitter.
Many thanks,
Miss Paterson and Primary 4.