Hello from Primary 7! So far we have had an excellent first term full of learning, fun and lots of hard work. We have enjoyed getting to know one another through lots of fun, group games and by working co-operatively with our peers.
During maths, we have been learning all about place value and applying our rounding skills and knowledge in a range of different activities and stations. We have also been improving our mental agility by discussing and learning new mental strategies during Number Talks.
A highlight of the term so far had definitely been our ‘Day for Play’ where we had lots of fun which you can clearly see in the pictures below. We were able to play board games, carry out art activities and get messy with play dough before going outdoors to play outside and get caught in the rain of Sunny Scotland!
We are now learning about growth mindset and how this can help us be more successful. We are learning about how we can encourage our peers to have a growth mindset when they are feeling stuck. We have just begun our exciting new topic about Civil Rights in the USA. We can’t wait to share our learning with you on the school Twitter feed and in our next blog post!
Miss McShane and Primary 7