September 2018
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I hope everyone had a lovey summer break. I am delighted to welcome the children back to the new school year and I look forward to the exciting year ahead. This is a brief outline of the work which we will be undertaking within the class during Term 1.
The children will continue to follow the North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme in spelling and phonics. They will learn a new sound and a different set of common words every week and this will be consolidated through class work and homework. As part of the reading programme the children will read one or two books per week with associated writing tasks in class to develop their comprehension skills. It is important that the children bring their books into school daily to ensure they are able to use them to carry out their tasks. Within Big Writing the children will be writing narrative and instructional genres.
In Primary 3 we have been focusing our learning on planning the year. The children have shown a good understanding of the days of the week and months of the year. The children will also develop their understanding of place value, estimating and rounding and addition and subtraction in this first term. Numeracy work will consist of numerous active tasks along with jotter and textbook work.
Religious Education
During the first term the children will be learning about the Bible being the inspired Word of God and that they should treat it with reverence. Through God’s Beautiful Creation the children will explore God’s natural world and begin to see the wonder and awe in the world around them. We will be learning about the community of the Church and some symbols and rituals in worship.
Health and Wellbeing
In P.E. the learning will be focused on Aesthetics. The children will explore and engage in different experiences; individually, with a partner and in a group situation. Please ensure your child brings their P.E. kit to school on a Monday and takes it home on a Friday.
At St Brendan’s instilling all our pupils with a growth mindset has become a key priority therefore we intend to teach the children through a range of resources as part of this term’s Health and Wellbeing.. We wish for all of our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This will help them to achieve, not only with us, but also in their future lives as adults.
Social Subjects
In term 1 the children will be exploring the IDL of Scotland, within their learning they will explore famous Scottish Landmarks and local landscapes’. In the classroom play corner the children will have a tourist office where they will have regular opportunities for purposeful play. This IDL will allow for research through ICT and the use of IPad’s and computers in school, as well as opportunities to learn some Scottish music and dancing.
Thank you in advance for your support this term, please use your child’s behaviour diary to communicate any concerns/comments.
Kind Regards,
Mrs O’Donnell
Class Teacher Primary 3