Update from Miss Burns and Primary 1B

Primary 1B


Primary 1 have settled into school life and are enjoying learning lots of new things.


We have been working hard with our sounds and common words. We are beginning to recognise the words that our sounds can make when blended together using our magnetic boards.


In Numeracy have been learning numbers 0-5 and have used a variety of resources to explore the formation of these numbers including: playdough, foam and sand. We are continuing to work with these numbers and use our knowledge for counting.


Primary 1 are learning all about ‘When Gran Was a Girl’ and we have looked at some of the toys that were around at this time and have discussed which toys we prefer. We then drew a picture of a spinning top in our jotters. The children are also learning some of the games that were played including ‘In and Out Those Dusty Bluebells.’


Kind regards,

Miss Burns


Looking at toys from the 60s
Looking at toys from the 60s.
Practising our numbers using number fans.
Finger gym activities


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