Term 1 update from Miss Cochrane and Primary 1C

What an exciting term for Primary 1C. All children have settled very well into school life and are happy to follow the daily routines of the classroom and the wider school. As well as settling in, the children have also been learning lots of new things across the curriculum. Here is a little insight into what we have been up to…


In Literacy the children have been learning the first block of initial sounds and common words. We are beginning to use our initial sounds to build words and can find and read our common words in our reading books.


Within Numeracy we have been learning to read, write and use numbers 0-5. We are consolidating and challenging this learning by taking part in fun activities such as – ordering numbers on the washing line and number track, forming numbers on the smartboard, chalkboards and with playdough, and matching and sorting numbers with the unifix cubes, beads and number games.


For our interdisciplinary learning topic this term we have been learning all about the sixties and what it was like when ‘Gran was a Girl’. We have enjoyed looking at and exploring old toys and have had fun learning some playground games.


Miss Cochrane and Primary 1C



Working hard on the number 2.
Using chalkboards to practise writing our letters and words.
Ordering numbers using the number track.
Playing ‘In and Out the Dusty Bluebells”.


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