An Update from Mrs. McNicholl and Primary 5/4

Primary 5/4 have been continuing to work hard this week. The Primary 5 children have had their third week of swimming at Wishaw Baths and are thoroughly enjoying the experience. While the Primary 5’s are away, the Primary 4’s have been working hard in the gym hall to improve their stamina and keep fit with the class circuits. Both Primary 5 and Primary 4 have also been having fun listening to music from the 1960’s. It is so different from what they usually listen to! Last week they designed some 1960’s outfits for themselves. Quite a fashion treat! In Literacy, we have been working on our stories and we learned about VCOP to help us (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation). We should all be on time for school in the morning from now on because we have also been learning about time!


Mrs. McNicholl & Primary 5/4

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