An Update from Mrs. McLauchlan and Primary 4/3

We have all settled in to the ‘back to school’ routine and have been enjoying a busy first few weeks of term 1.

In numeracy we have recently been working on our multiplication and division skills through a variety of active and written tasks.

In literacy we have particularly enjoyed becoming involved in the ‘Big Writing’ approach to improve our writing. We have enjoyed some of the VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) activities, especially those which involve treats! We are focusing on improving our vocabulary by using lots of ‘wow’ words and phrases, both in our talking and in our writing.

Our topic on the sixties has sparked an enthusiastic response from our class! So far, the children have been learning about the way of life in the sixties, music, fashion, as well as key events such as the moon landing. We have also really enjoyed finding out about more about Andy Warhol and the pop art movement. Our artwork has certainly made us, and our teacher proud!

We look forward to the rest of the term ahead. Thank you for your continued support.

P4/3 and Mrs McLauchlan

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