Good morning boys and girls!! It’s almost the summer holidays! You have been a brilliant Primary One class. We remember your first day at school and you have grown and learned so much this year. Not the year we had imagined but you have done so well. We hope you have a very happy summer holiday and look forward to seeing all of your lovely faces when you return to school in August. We hope you have lots of fun and adventures over the summer.
Primary 5/4 Goodbye from Mrs Grant
Good morning boys and girls!
Let’s start our day by saying our morning prayer together as a class one more time before we finish up.
God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St Barbara – Pray for us.
As it’s the last day of school there’s no work! Woohoo! I just wanted to wish you well and hope you all have a lovely summer holiday. I know today was not how we had planned to have your last day but remember things will be back to normal soon. So please have fun today and I can’t wait to see you all when we start back in August.
Miss you all!
Mrs Grant x
Please find below a little keepsake of our class this year 🙂
Primary 6 – Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Primary 6,
Today is the last day of school before the summer break.
It’s probably not how we were expecting the last day to look at the start of the year.
I just wanted to wish you well and hope you all have a lovely summer holiday. I know this year has been very different from any that have come before it, but the best bit of every day is doing something you haven’t done before, so take the summer and do something you haven’t done before.
It’s time to
Learn a new skill,
Play a new instrument,
Dance a new dance,
Sing a new song,
Taste a new taste,
Smell a new smell (not that kind of smell),
and come back in August with a story to tell.
You’re Primary 7 now, you really need to be cool,
If you ever hope to rule the school.
Your buddies will be waiting,
They’re looking for a clue.
Something to help them on their way,
That something could be you.
So good luck you little somethings,
There’s nothing left to say.
Just a million things for you to do
In every summer’s day.
Mr. McIntosh
Primary 2- Last Day!
Well boys and girls, I can’t quite believe it is your final day of Primary 2!! 🥳
It feels like only yesterday we began our journey together and now it is time to say ‘see you later’.
My first little class, I will never forget. It was cut short, but I’m so glad we met!
How lucky I was to have such a wonderful year, it is one I will hold dear. ❤️
The last few months have been very strange,
You have coped tremendously with the change!
Learning at home day-to-day,
But summertime is here they say.☀️
Home schooling put everyone to the test,
but you all certainly tried your best!
You have missed your friends and they’ve missed you,
And you’ve got to admit, you missed the teachers too!
As the schools come to a close,
You are the class I will miss the most!
You’ve clapped for the NHS to support their work,
Now I applaud you for not going berserk!👏🏻
You are now a part of history,
You are helping defeat COVID-19, victory!
Of all the things I taught you, to last your whole life through,
I need you to remember, you are special just by being you!🌟
So goodbye and good luck in all that you do,
The world is your oyster, it’s true!
Have a super summer Primary 2!☀️
Sending you lots of cuddles and wishing you all the best in Primary 3 😊
Miss Shreenan 💛🌈
Your final day of Primary 1b
Good morning Superstars🌟
I can’t quite believe today is the last day of the school year, your final day in Primary 1. I have loved being your teacher, watching you grow and learn in your first year of primary school.
I know we are spending today a little bit differently to what I had planned and our time this year was cut short but we have had such an amazing time in those 7 months that we all got to spend together in class.
We have been on lots of learning adventures and you have continued to amaze me. I have loved singing and dancing with you and listening to all of your stories. We have had lots of laughs too. I have included a special video of your memories in Primary 1b at the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoy😀You are a very special bunch and I am so proud of you all🌟
Have an amazing summer! Good luck in P.2.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss McEleney🌈☀️❣️
Goodbye from Dippy!
🌈 ⭐️Primary 4/3 – Message from Mrs Boyce⭐️🌈
It has been a pleasure being your teacher this year and although we didn’t get the full year together in school you all made a big impression!! I am so proud of all your hard work. It was lovely to watch each and every one of you grow in confidence and gel together into the lovely class of bright, smart, helpful and caring boys and girls you have all become – you are a credit to your families and to St Barbara’s.
I hope you have a lovely summer. If we all stick to the rules, it looks like we will all be back at school together again in August! Take care, stay safe and remember to be the best you can be!! Good luck for your new class, you’ll be amazing!!
I’ve attached a little memory to remind us of 2020!!
⭐️⭐️🌈My Rainbow of Superstars🌈⭐️⭐️
Mrs Boyce 😘🌈🌈
P4/3 Last Day – Message from Mrs Graham
Well here we are boys and girls!!! It’s not the end to the school year we had imagined, but we have tried to make the best out a bad situation! First of all, I am so proud of you for working hard with your home schooling. I have loved logging on to see your pictures and videos! You have coped very well as have your parents! Thank you to you too mums and dads and older siblings!
I have had a lovely year with you and have enjoyed watching you all become great friends. You are a lovely bunch of children and it has been so nice to see you look out and care for one another! We have had some good fun especially when we performed in the Nativity and our Assembly.
So, today is the last day of term and there is no work! If you really want to do something, why not note down your favourite memory of P4/3 and send it to me? I’ll put them together and put them on here for you to see. I hope you stay safe and even though things still seem pretty uncertain, I will see your lovely smiling faces at school in August hopefully! Remember to be good and helpful around the house and look after each other.
God bless
Lots of love
Mrs Graham
Primary 5/4 – Goodbye from Mrs McGill
Primary 7- Class of 2020
Well boys and girls your final day of primary school is finally here! I know this is not how you imagined your final day at school but you have really done yourselves proud over these last few months and that is something positive that you should take away from this whole experience.
Let us begin our final day as primary pupils with our morning prayer.
God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.
St Barbara Pray for us.
You have been an amazing Primary 7. I remember your first day at St. Barbara’s Primary School so clearly, because it was my first day as a teacher there too. We started our journey together and I am so grateful that I taught you not just once, but twice, throughout your time at our school. You are a fabulous group of pupils and we have had many laughs and created lots of fantastic memories over the years. I am so proud of you all and of everything that you have achieved over the course of your 7 years at primary school. You have grown into independent, kind and brilliant children. I am positive you will continue to succeed as you begin the next chapter of your lives, high school.
You have been super role models for your peers; in particular, your little Primary 1 buddies who I know loved having you by their side during their first year at school. They have made a little video for you all to say thank you for all of your help.
To celebrate all of your amazing achievements over the years and each of your unique talents and personalities we have made a virtual awards ceremony. Click on the link below and watch in slideshow mode to see if you have won an award. Good luck!
St Barbara’s Primary 7 Virtual Award Ceremony
The staff at St. Barbara’s have made a little video to say goodbye and good luck for the future.
I wish you every success for the future and hopefully we will be able to organise a reunion to help give the Primary 7 class of 2020 the send-off that you truly deserve.
Have a super summer Primary 7, I will miss you all.
A very proud teacher,
Mrs Butler
Primary 7 I hope that you’re up and ready to go because you might want to peep outside from 10am onwards…you never know who you might see!!!
Statement from NLC in Response to Scottish Government Announcement
Please see a statement below from Gerard McLaughlin, Head of Education (North), NLC:
Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full time basis from August.
We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.
Our priority is the safety of our pupils and staff across our network of primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.
We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools and facilities in the coming days.
We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12 August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to.