Primary 7

Week Beginning 07/09/20

Primary 7

Some of you have still to complete your Maths Diagnostic on Sumdog for Primary 7 from last week. This should be your homework priority this week.

For those of you that have completed the Maths Diagnostic, there is a Sumdog Spelling Diagnostic which should be completed this week. This will assess your spelling and reset you Sumdog Spelling for Primary 7.

When this Spelling Diagnostic has been completed I will be able to reload the Primary 7 Spelling words ready for you to use.


Mr. McIntosh


Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 7th September

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night.

To keep us all safe, we have decided that all completed worksheets should be kept at home (until further notice).

This week in Literacy, the children will begin the Active Literacy programme. They will be learning two new letter sounds and three common words. The child will be taught their common words in class on a Tuesday. They will be given their new words to put in their tub to take home and practise.I recommend that you practise these sounds and words daily at home with your child to help embed them.



Letter sound- a

1.Practise saying the ‘a’ sound. Listen to the ‘a’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘a’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘a’?

3.Complete letter ‘a’ formation worksheet.


We are learning to recognise and write the number 4.

Number 4 formation rhyme– Down and across and down once more, now I’ve made the number 4.

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.

Complete number 4 formation worksheet.



Common Words: a, at, the

1.Use your word tin to practise your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.

2.Practise writing your common words by choosing one of the fun spelling tasks below:

Pasta Words– Arrange pasta or cereal to make your words. Glue onto a piece of paper or take a picture.

Chalk- Write your common words outside on the ground using chalk.

Foamy Words– Spray a small amount of shaving foam and spread it out. Practise writing your words in the foam.


Practise counting up to 10 by playing Underwater Counting.



Letter sound- t

1.Practise saying the ‘t’ sound. Click on the link above and listen to the ‘t’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘t’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘t’?

3.Complete letter ‘t’ formation worksheet.


We are learning to recognise and write the number 5.

Number 5 formation rhyme– Draw the back and the belly, then the hat. It’s a five! Watch out it might come alive!

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.

Complete number 5 formation worksheet.

Thank you for all your support.







Primary 3 homework. Wk beg 7th Sept

All children have been issued with a green jotter for homework tasks. These jotters should be kept at home (until further notice).

This week’s tasks are:

Monday – Red and blue group – make a wordlist in your jotter for the phoneme ‘a_e’ as in “make a cake.”

Green group – make a word list for the phoneme ‘sh’.

Complete your time worksheet, revising o’clock, half past and quarter past.

Tuesday– Red and blue group – common words – who,after, hand,write. Choose a fun way to practise your common words in your jotter. This could be rainbow spelling, pyramid spelling, fancy spelling, dotty spelling or uppercase/lowercase spelling.

Green group- common words – she, come, from – choose a fun way to write your words into your jotter.

Wednesday -Red and blue group – u_e phoneme wordlist in jotter as in “flute”.

Green group- th phoneme wordlist in jotter.

Please practise reading each night to help fluency. Your child will be reading their book from the previous week at school.

Please return the book to school on Friday where it will be quarantined for 72 hours before being used again.

If you have not yet managed to complete your Sumdog diagnostic test please try to complete it this week.

Many thanks for your support.

Mrs MacLeod & Mrs Moore


Primary 1 homework


Task One

The nursery rhyme we are focusing on in class this week is Hickory Dickory Dock.

Encourage your child to practise singing the song at home with actions. Ask your child if they can spot any words that rhyme in the song. Encourage them to think of other words that rhyme with dock and clock.

Task Two

We are learning to recognise and write the number 2.

Number 2 formation rhyme– Half a heart says “I love you.” Add a line. Now I’ve made the number two.

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.
Complete number 2 formation worksheet.


Task One

Practise counting forwards and backwards from 0 to 10 while being active e.g. star jumps or climbing stairs.

Here are some number songs that you can practise at home. Have fun!

Task Two

Practise writing your name.


Task One

We are learning to recognise and write the number 3.
Number 3 formation rhyme- Around the tree, around the tree, now I’ve made the number three.

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.
Complete number 3 formation worksheet.

Task Two

Practise buttoning your shirt or jacket.

Your child was given a homework folder with their worksheets today. Here is a copy of the letter which you will find inside their homework folder.

Primary-1-Homework-Letter (3)

Thank you,

Mrs Connolly


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