Friday 3rd April- Primary 1b

Good morning Primary 1b 🙂

It’s Friday, Happy Friday! You have nearly completed your second week of home learning. If you work really hard today, I will make you a deal!

If you complete some of today’s tasks and listen carefully to your mums and dads, then you can have the next two weeks off from school work. DEAL🤝?Lets get started on today’s tasks then!

Today is your last chance to compete in our class Sumdog maths competition. Lots of you took part yesterday and the leader board keeps changing, it’s very close. The competition closes at 2.30pm and shortly after I will announce our maths champion🏆 Who will it be? You only have a few hours left so Go, Go, Go🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️!

Holy week begins this Sunday. This is a very important week leading up to Easter. Today I would like you to watch and listen carefully to The Story of Easter.  This will help you to understand the importance of Easter and why it is such a special celebration.

After you have watched and listened to the Easter story, I would like you to draw a picture and write a few sentences to show what you have learnt.

If we were in school today we would have been making some Easter cards so why don’t you try making one at home to give to your family or friends? I have posted some ideas below to help get you started but feel free to use your imagination. 🐣


I know it has been tough staying at home but READING gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are. Today I would like you to choose a book in your house and find a quiet and comfy place for you to read. Where will your story take you?  🏠📚

Keep an eye out, I will be back later on in the afternoon with another little message and to announce our competition winner.

Have a great day boys and girls!

Miss McEleney 😀





Friday 3rd April

Good morning boys and girls. It is Friday again already, what a busy week! This is the last day of home learning activities before the holidays. Below are some power points on Easter. I hope you enjoy reading through them and try some of the activities.

The Easter Story

Easter Celebrations

The Easter Bunny

Top Tips for during the holidays –

  • Stay Active
  • Get outside when you can
  • Help around the house
  • Use your imagination

Another idea is to use lollypop sticks or paper to write out some activities and if you do get bored you can choose one to do.

Remember to say your Morning and Night Prayers as well throughout the holidays. I will keep you and all your families in my daily prayers  too. I really look forward to seeing you all again. For now- enjoy your time with your families, have fun and keep making new memories together!

Happy Easter to you all! God Bless.

Mrs McGill

P1a – Friday 3rd April

Good morning Primary 1 and happy Friday!😁

I hope that you all managed to get logged in and had a little read at one of the online books.  Today read it again and try to use expression in your voice.  Revise all initial sounds and phonemes.  Choose a fun way to practise the words shop, ship, fish, chat, chin, dish, the, thin, and that. You could paint them, use coloured pens or pencils and do rainbow spelling,  use chalk, play-doh, practise in sand or use shaving foam (my favourite). Here is a little game to reinforce “sh, ch and th”. 

Practise number bonds to 10.

As Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, let’s take a little bit of time to say an Our Father to pray for all of the people who are ill in our world.  I hope that you managed to read the Easter story that Mrs Connelly sent you.

I have a little challenge for you over the next week. Let’s see who can make an Easter Bonnet. Maybe you could post a picture of you wearing it on Twitter? I’d love to see them all.

Have a super weekend and Easter break. Wishing you and you families a happy and holy Easter🐣 Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and you can play in your gardens and go for walks and cycles.

Take care,

Mrs MacLeod 😁

🐰I hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of chocolate eggs.🍫


Happy Birthday Jack 🥳

We have a special birthday boy in our class today!

Happy birthday Jack 🎈🎂

We hope you have had a wonderful day filled with plenty of birthday cake🎂

Love Miss McEleney and all your friends in P1b 😀

Good afternoon Primary 3,

I hope you are all having a lovely day.

I have had some messages to say a few of you have had trouble accessing hit the button. Here is the link to the website. I hope this helps you find it.

I should of also said earlier that for your hit the button challenge I just want you to choose a set of questions to try. You may pick between multiplication or division and select which one you are going to try the same way we do in class. Once you have given it a go you may want to challenge yourself and choose a trickier set of questions.

Good Luck!

Miss McMullen

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch for their spelling words and to send me pictures of all of your hard work. I’m so proud of how hard you are all working. Keep the pictures coming as it’s putting a smile on my face.

Today I would like you to choose a story you enjoy and spend some quiet time reading. As today is our writing day, try and write a different ending for the story you choose. We did this before in class and you came up with some fantastic ideas!

I have been trying hard to beat my top score on hit the button and I think I should be the new class champion. Unless any of you think you are up to the challenge of taking the top spot. Have a go today and tweet me your score. Let’s see who is at the top of the leader board by 3:00pm today.

Remember to take plenty of breaks and get some exercise.

Miss McMullen x

Good Morning Primary 4/3

Well boys and girls, it is Thursday 2nd April.  I hope you are all well and have been helping out around the house as well as keeping up with your home learning.

I have been online checking all of the online learning you have been doing and I can see that there are some of you using Sumdog, Study Ladder and First News.  If you have not been on make sure you try today!!  Remember there is spelling and reading as well as maths on Sumdog.  As Mrs Graham has said after Easter we will be setting challenges so it’s better to get in some practice before we start on the challenges.

I have loved seeing some of your faces on Twitter, please remember to ask an adult to upload any of the activities you do today.

Keep smiling and take care.  I am missing having you all in class.

Mrs B 😢

Rainbow Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


Primary 2- Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Primary 2,

Did you play any April Fools tricks yesterday? Or did you fall for any tricks? I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and are ready for Thursday’s home learning.

Why not start the day off with writing our daily calendar news, you can start by singing our days of the week and our months of the year song. Then complete this task by copying it into your jotter and filling in the missing words.

Today is ________ the _nd of _____. April is the _th month in the year. April is the season of ______. It is _______ outside today.

 After this I would like you to practise reading all of your common word flash cards. Why not make it fun by playing SPLAT! Stick your words on your wall and ask a parent to call out a common word for you to READ and SPLAT.

Remember to continue to work through your Sumdog challenges- reading, spelling and maths. You have until Friday, GO! GO! GO!

For today’s health and wellbeing task, I would like you to try and develop your food preparation skills- peeling and grating. We enjoyed learning about healthy food and maintaining a healthy diet in class this term.

I have attached a skills guide but you can also get a video of the skills by logging onto:

  • Top of page, click on 5-7 years
  • Click on cooking
  • Click on videos
  • Scroll down page until you come to peeling and grating videos.
  • Enjoy!

Have a terrific Thursday boys and girls! Remember you can posts pictures of your home learning to our school Twitter.

Take care,

Miss Shreenan 😊

Primary 6 – Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Primary 6,

I hope that no one fooled you too much yesterday.

Here’s a maths starter for today,

Rewrite this story using numbers and a.m. or p.m.

I got up this morning at quarter past eight. I arrived at the computer at five to nine and stopped work for my break at ten to eleven. Lunch was one o’clock until ten to two. I finished for the day at twenty five to five and went to bed at quarter to eleven.

I’ve been correcting your work on FirstNews and some of you really need to think about how you are answering the questions. Is what you are writing really what the question is asking? if the question asks for your reasons, are you giving them?

Here’s Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 8 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

There is lots of speech in this chapter. The humans are having a conversation but the dragons are talking too.

Summarise the February conversation between Hiccup, Fishlegs and Toothless. Try to explain why they are each saying what they are saying. Does Hiccup really believe that he is gaining Toothless’s trust?

You can tweet your answers to any of the challenges @St_BarbarasPS and I’ll be able to see them or you can hit the “Leave a reply.” button at the top of these posts.

I hope that you have been practising your key spelling words for this week. Perhaps today could be the day for a test? Give the list to another member of your family and see how many of them you can spell correctly. Practise the ones that you get wrong for the rest of the week. If you get them all right have a test using the words on your family spelling word list from Tuesday and then practise those.

You also have a spelling challenge running on Sumdog that finishes tomorrow.

Mr. McIntosh


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