Primary 3 – Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

Can you believe it is Thursday already?

I hope you have all had a lovely week so far.

Let’s start today with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.


Today is our Taught Writing day. We are going to be revising how to write instructions.

Instructions are a list of steps to tell someone how to carry out a particular task.

Have a look through the power point below to remind yourself how to write a set of instructions.


Now I would like you to choose a task from the following list:

  • How to play my favourite game
  • How to make a sandwich
  • How to make a cup of tea

You are going to write instructions for whichever task you have chosen.

Click the link below to see how you can lay this out in your jotter.

Remember you do not have to print the sheets.

Instruction template

When you have completed your writing you might want to test out your instructions.

Remember if you chose ‘how to make a sandwich’ or ‘how to make a cup of tea’ then you will need some help from an adult!

Please send me some pictures of your fantastic work.


Let’s warm up by playing a round of hit the button.  Just cut and paste the link below. You can choose multiplication or division and try to beat your top score. Good Luck!

Today we are continuing with our addition work.

Please select the same colour as the one you chose yesterday. Click the link below to access your task.

Red Task

Amber Task

Green Task

Remember our Sumdog challenge is still live until 3:00pm today.


Click the link below to choose a STEM challenge to try at home.

Stem Challenges

Remember to ask an adult’s permission before trying any of the challenges out. Some of them might be too dangerous to try on your own.

I am going to try the boat challenge. I will let you all know how I get on.

Send me lots of pictures!

Have a lovely day boys and girls and remember to get some exercise.

Take care.

Miss McMullen


Primary 3 – 13th May 2020

Good morning superstars!

I hope we are all up and ready to learn.

Lets start today with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.


Today we are going to continue with our work on addition. Please select the same colour that you chose yesterday for todays task.


Today we are looking at addition sums with a missing number.

For example  4 + ___ = 9

We can do this by finding 4 on a number line and counting on until we land on 9. How many did we have to count on?

Click the link below to access an activity. Please complete the first page only.

Remember no peeking at the answer page!

Red Task


Today we are going to look at adding 2 digit numbers.

We can do this by using our partitioning strategy.

Partitioning is when you split your numbers into tens and units to make it easier to calculate your answer.


45 + 22

Step 1 – Split your numbers into tens and units

45 = 40 + 5

22 = 20 + 2

Step 2 – Add both of your tens together

40 + 20 = 60

Step 3 – Add your units together

5 + 2 = 7

Step 4 – Add your answers together

60 + 7 = 67

Click the link below to access a task.

Please complete page 2 only.

Amber Task


Today we are going to look at 2 digit addition. We are going to look at problems which contain ‘bridging’.


24 + 67

Step 1 – Split your numbers into tens and units

24 = 20 + 4

67 = 60 + 7

Step 2 – Add both of your tens together

20 + 60 = 80

Step 3 – Add your units together

4 + 7 = 11

Step 4 – Add your answers together

80 + 11 = 91

Click the link below to access a task.

Green Task



Choose 5 common words from your list.

Mirror spell them 3 times in your jotter and write a sentence for each.


Click the link below to access your reading task for today.

Make sure you click the link for your assigned book.

The Tortoise and the Hare

Little Koel Finds His Song

News and Chews

Science Fair Friends


Remember it is very important to stay active during this time.

If you can, go out for a walk and get some fresh air.

Today I am going to try out this ‘Daily Walk Challenge’ and I thought Primary 3 might like to join in.


Throughout the month of May we honour and pray to Our Lady.

Did you know that Our Lady has many different names?  These names are connected to different places where she has appeared or to help that she gives people in need.  One of the names Our Lady has been given is Our Lady of Fatima. Click the link below to find more information about Our Lady of Fatima.

Our Lady of Fatima

Now write a short paragraph to explain what happened when Our Lady appeared to three children in the town of Fatima. You can also include a picture.

Have a great day boys and girls and remember to take plenty of breaks.

If you are looking for some more challenges then you can select a task from your home learning grid.

Take care and keep smiling!

Miss McMullen


Primary 3 – 12th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing  long weekend.

I am glad the weather stayed nice for you, I hope we see some sunshine this week.

Please start today with our morning prayer. Do not forget to thank God for keeping us safe and well at this time. It would also be nice to say a prayer for anyone who is suffering.


Warm up:

Let’s do some oral counting to get our minds active this morning.

I wonder if anyone can remember the counting actions we use in class. You could even come up with some of your own.

Please practice counting up and down in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

Now think back to last week. What colour of task did you choose for your maths work. Please choose the same colour today.


Please watch this short video.

Now click on the link below to access your tasks for today.

Addition Red


Amber and Green:

Today these groups are going to be working on the same concept.

We are going to be revising adding multiples of 10.

Please watch this short video.

We are focusing on the addition part of the clip.

Click the link below to access a task for today.

Remember you do not have to print this. You can copy down the questions into your jotter.

Amber and Green Tuesday

Below you will find a link to a 100 square to support you in your work today.

100 Square

When you have finished your tasks there is a new Sumdog challenge available. Good Luck!



Please access the Scholastic website to find your new book for this week.

Once you have read the book then try the quiz.

If you have been assigned the book ‘News and Chews’ you do not need to read the whole book. You could read a chapter or 2 each day.

If anyone is struggling to access Scholastic please get in touch and I will try to help you resolve this.


Please select a phoneme from your spelling list.

Can you write a phoneme story?

I wonder how many words you will manage to include.

If you have already got to the end of your spelling revision list then please get in touch for the next set of words.

Health and Wellbeing

Remember how important it is to keep your body active at this time.

I have been trying some Zumba at home. Why don’t you give it a go using the video below.

Have a lovely day boys and girls.

If there are any questions then please contact me on or

Take care!
Miss McMullen x


Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you are all safe and well. I am missing you all very much.


Warm up:

Please cut and paste the link below to access ‘daily 10’. This will give you 10 mental maths questions to complete in your jotter.

Please select the addition option.

You can choose which level you would like to try but please choose from level 1, 2 or 3. You can also select how much time you would like to complete each question. We will try to build this up over the next

Today we are going to continue with our addition revision.

Please select the same colour you chose yesterday and click on the link below to access today’s tasks.

Addition Red

Addition Amber

Addition Green


Please click the link below to access a reading task for your assigned book this week. Remember you can access your book on the Scholastic website.

Peanut Butter Rhino

Science Fair Friends

From Zero to Hero

When you have completed your reading task I would like you to  choose 8 common words from your list. Can you spell them out loud?

Now we are going to look at verbs.

Can you remember what a verb is?

Here is a picture of our class poster to help remind you.

Verbs definition poster | Teaching Resources

Have a look through the Power Point and then choose one of the tasks to complete.

Remember you do not have to print the worksheet, you can just copy the sentences into your jotter.

Verbs Power Point

Verbs Task

Health and Wellbeing

Today lets do some P.E.

Lets try the 5-a-day Hula video.

It is great exercise and fun at the same time.


Remember to pray each day. As it is May, the month of Mary, we should take the time to say a Hail Mary each day.

The Hail Mary! | Prayers to mary, Praying the rosary, Prayers

Now I would like you to create your own Hail Mary prayer poster. You can write out the prayer nice and neatly and include pictures. You may wish to do this in colour. Can you display your prayer poster on the May altar you created last week?

I would love to see some pictures.

Have a lovely day Primary 3 and I will speak to you soon.

Miss McMullen


Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Well done to everyone who has been sending in pictures. They all look fantastic!

Lets start today with our morning prayer. Remember to thank God for keeping us safe and well  as well as asking him to look after all of those who are sick at this time.


Warm up:

Please write down the following numbers in your jotter.

  1. The number before 34
  2. The number after 89
  3.  The number in between 58 and 60
  4. The before 99
  5. The number after 80
  6. The number in between 40 and 51

Today we are going to be revising Addition.

Can you remember any of the addition strategies we learned in class?

Click on the link below to remind you.

Addition Strategies

Now I would like you to choose one of the activities below. Remember to think very carefully before you make your decision. You can use whichever addition strategy works for you.

Addition Red

Addition Amber

Addition Green



Choose 2 phonemes from your revision list. Create a phoneme flower in your jotter for each one.

Choose 3 words from each flower and write a sentence for them in your jotter.


Log in to Scholastic using the link below.

Read your assigned book for this week and complete the quiz.

Can you spot any of your phoneme words within the story?

List them in your jotter.

If you still don’t have your spelling list or Scholastic log in then please send me an email and I will send them to you.

Health and Wellbeing

Today I would like you to continue with your ‘Meaningful May’ calendar.

Today it is asking us to send a picture to friends or family of a time we enjoyed together. Instead of sending a picture  I would like you to draw a picture of a time you enjoyed with your family and show it to them. If this person does not live in your house then please keep it f until the next time you see them.

Please do not send photos to anyone without permission from an adult.

If your are able, go for a walk today. I am going to complete the scavenger hunt below and I thought you might like to join in.

Free Monkey Wellbeing Posters & Leaflets for Schools & Wards

Have a lovely day boys and girls and keep sending in those pictures.

Stay Safe!
Miss McMullen

Friday 1st May 2020

Good morning primary 3,

Can you believe that another week of home learning is over?

Please start today by saying the morning prayer.

God Our Father as we prepare to begin our work we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school.

St. Barbara pray for us.


Start off your literacy tasks today by doing some revision on adjectives.

Can you remember what an adjective is?

Take a look through the power point below to help remind you.


Now please write 5 sentences that contain an adjective. You can do this in your jotter.

For spelling today let’s have some fun!

What is the most creative way you can think of to revise your spelling words?

I had a go at home and chose to do some shaving foam spelling. It is harder than it looks!

Click the link below to take a look at how I got on.

Foam Spelling

Choose any method you like to practise your words today. Please remember to ask an adult’s permission before doing anything messy.

You can rainbow write them in your jotter if you would prefer.

For reading today I would like you to have some ‘ERIC’ time. This means we are reading for enjoyment. Choose any book or story you enjoy and sit down to read quietly. Reading is so important and can be so much fun when you find a story you enjoy.


To begin please choose a times table to revise. Go over it in your head or write it down in your jotter. Ask someone at home to test you on your focus table.

Yesterday I discovered a fun maths game for you try. This is called rounding pairs.

I had a go at home and was trying so hard to beat my time.

Click the link below to see how it works.

Rounding Pairs


Today we should have been attending  First Friday Mass. You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook  by Fr. Campbell at 10am. Please remember you must be supervised by an adult.

May is the month when we focus on Mary, the mother of Jesus. Traditionally at the beginning of May we would change the altar in our classroom to honour Mary. Why not see if you can set up your own altar somewhere in your home to have a special place to remember Mary during the month of May?  Click the link below to find some ideas of what you can include in your May altar.

May Altar

Health and Wellbeing

As today is the first day in the month of May, I thought we could take part in the ‘Meaningful May Calendar’.


Today it asks us to remember what is really important to us and why.

Finish off your day with some well deserved golden time and do something that makes you feel happy.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Miss McMullen x


Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning primary 3,

What a quick week it has been! You have all be working extremely hard. Please remember to take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Remember not to worry if you do not manage to complete all of the tasks.

Please click the link below to access your literacy work for today.

Literacy Thursday


Please start your numeracy work today by having a go at our place value game. To access this click the link below. You can choose to work with 2 digit numbers or to challenge yourself and try some 3 digit questions. Good Luck!

Today we are continuing our revision work on estimation and rounding. So far we have looked at rounding 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10, rounding 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and rounding 3 digit numbers to the nearest 100.

Below you will see a link for 3 tasks. I would like you to choose carefully which task you would like to complete. Have a look at all 3 before you make your decision.

Red Task

Amber Task

Green Task

I have extended your Sumdog challenge until 3:00pm today. I hope this gives everyone enough time to give it a go. There is also some place value work available on Studyladder. If you do not have your log in for this please get in touch.

Health and Well-being:

Yesterday we had a look at different types of emotions. If you are feeling sad or down it is important you tell an adult you trust.

There are also some things we can do to help improve our mood. Regular exercise is very important at this time. You can try some cosmic yoga today to help you relax.

Another thing you can do to stay positive is to do a task that makes you feel happy.

Cooking is something that helps me to relax and feel happy. I also like to sit in my garden to read a book. Throughout this time I have also been playing board games with my family. All of these things help me to remain positive.

Click on the link below and complete the worksheet. This will help you think of lots of activities that help you relax and make you feel happy.

Things that make me happy

Please remember to pray and to thank God for keeping us safe and well at this time

Keep smiling and have a lovely day.

Miss McMullen x

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I have been very impressed by all of the examples of your hard work. Please keep sending them to me by email at

Please click the link below and have a go at the place value game.

It is lots of fun. You can choose  to work with tens and units or challenge yourself and try hundreds, tens and units. Let me know how you get on.

Now have a look at the power point below

Place Value and Estimation

Please choose one of the following activities:

Red – Estimation Red

Amber – Estimation Amber

Green – Estimation Green

When you have completed your task, give our class Sumdog challenge a go. Good Luck!

Please click on the links below to access your literacy tasks for today:


Reading Task Tuesday

Spelling Tuesday 28th

This afternoon we are going to be doing some R.E work.

We are going to learn about the religious festival of Ramadan. Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims. This year, Ramadan began on 23rd April 2020 and will end on Saturday 23rd May 2020.

Please look through the power point and attempt the quiz at the end.

The Month of Ramadan

When you have completed the quiz, write a short paragraph in your jotter explaining what you know about Ramadan. You can include a picture at the end.

Lets finish off our day with some exercise. Below is my favourite go noodle video. I would like you to try it and them choose your own. Get those bodies moving!

Have a lovely Tuesday boys and girls.

I hope to hear from you all soon.

Miss McMullen x


Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

I hope you all had a nice and relaxing weekend.

Let’s start off our week by saying the morning prayer and asking God to look after anyone who is sick at this time.

Please click the links below to access some literacy and numeracy work for today.

Literacy – 27th April

Numeracy – Monday 27th April

Estimation Activity

Estimation Challenge

Estimation Game

Last Monday and before the holidays we had a look at some spring artwork. When I was on my walk yesterday I noticed lots of daffodils. These are my favourite flower as I think they are so beautiful. This afternoon I would like you to have a go at drawing some daffodils using the video instructions. This is just the same as the drawing guide we have used before. Remember to pause the video after each step to give yourself enough time.

Finish off your day with some exercise. I think I will try a Joe Wicks video this afternoon. You should do the same. It is so important to stay active during this time.

Have a lovely day Primary 3 and I look forward to seeing some examples of your work.

Take care!

Miss McMullen x

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