FAITH: Friendly, Active, Inspiring, Teamwork, Helpful
We aspire to be an excellent, active learning community focused on continuous improvement at all levels. We take great pride in the high quality teaching and learning experiences we plan for our children and in our shared commitment to the care and welfare of each child. We are committed to meeting the needs of every child in a supportive, challenging and enjoyable environment. We pride ourselves in the pastoral care we offer to all children and their families. We treat all children fairly and equally and, as a Catholic school, we respect the dignity accorded to each human being. We value our staff, our partnership with parents and carers, our Parish Priest and all those in the wider community of Saint Barbara’s. We value the opinions of all members of our community and involve them meaningfully in respect of continuous school improvement. Our aims continue to be:
Effective Contributors
The children of Saint Barbara’s will work in partnership with one another. They will be kind, helpful and have good manners. The children will value their own and others’ contributions.
Successful Learners
Staff and children will evaluate their work and will strive to be reflective. Staff and children will be aware of the learning intentions and will work to the best of their ability.
Responsible Citizens
As a school we will always involve the church and the community in our learning. We will always show respect for the environment that we work and live in.
Confident Individuals
The children, staff and school community will take pride in our achievements. We will all work towards being confident in ourselves and have a ‘You can do it’ attitude.