As this is a shorter week than usual, you will only have homework to complete on Monday and Tuesday. Your reading book should be returned to school on Wednesday. Please take a picture of any work that you are proud of and send it to me.
Monday – Red and blue groups – the phoneme “ll”
Make a list of as many “ll” words as you can in your homework jotter.
Green group- the phoneme “ng”
Make a list of as many “ng” words as you can in your jotter.
Tuesday – Common words
Red and blue group – well, will, fell, call
Green group – old, do, going
You can practise these words in a fun way, you may choose chalk, shaving foam, plasticine, fancy spelling, rainbow spelling, pyramid spelling, uppercase/lowercase spelling.
Time – revise quarter past times and quarter to times using this clock.
Ask a parent to test you on these times.
Remember to practise your reading book to improve your fluency and expression.
Thank you
Mrs MacLeod and Mrs Moore