Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 14th September

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night.

I explained in last week’s blog that we have decided that all completed worksheets should be kept at home (until further notice), to keep everyone safe. Your child was originally provided with a red folder to keep their worksheets in. This red folder can now be kept at home so that you can keep your child’s completed work in here.

Today your child will have a new clear plastic zippy wallet which will be used to send worksheets home on a Monday. This helps to protect worksheets from getting wet or crumpled in their school bag. Could I please ask that you take out the worksheets and send the plastic wallet back to school empty on a Tuesday. These will be sanitised and given out again on the following Monday.

The children really enjoyed learning their first sounds and common words last week. They also loved practising reading their first book. This book will be sent home for homework this week. Please return the reading book to school on Thursday.

Could you please encourage your child to practise their reading book each night.



Letter sound- s

1.Practise saying the ‘s’ sound. Listen to the ‘s’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘s’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘s’?

3.Complete letter ‘s’ formation worksheet.


We are learning to recognise and write the number 6.

Number 6 formation rhyme– ‘Bend down low to pick up sticks. Now I’ve made the number six.’

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.

Complete number 6 formation worksheet.



Common Words: I, in, it

1.Use your word tin to practise your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.

2.Practise writing your common words by choosing one of the fun spelling tasks below:

Pasta Words– Arrange pasta or cereal to make your words. Glue onto a piece of paper or take a picture.

Chalk- Write your common words outside on the ground using chalk.

Foamy Words– Spray a small amount of shaving foam and spread it out. Practise writing your words in the foam.


Practise counting to 20 with Jack Hartmann.

Counting Task- Dice Numbers

Get six items such as beads, pegs or even small toys. Roll a dice then select that amount from your pile, e.g. if you roll a 4 on a dice, count out four items. Then put them back into the pile and roll again. If you don’t have a dice at home, don’t worry! You can click the link and use the online dice below.



Letter sound- i

1.Practise saying the ‘i’ sound. Click on the link above and listen to the ‘i’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘i’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘i’?

3.Complete letter ‘i’ formation worksheet.


We are learning to recognise and write the number 7.

Number 7 formation rhyme– ‘Across the sky and down from heaven. Now I’ve made the number seven.’

Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.

Complete number 7 formation worksheet.

If you have any questions please contact me –

Thank you for all of your support.

Miss McEleney

2 Replies to “Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 14th September”

  1. Hi i dont have a reading book in my sons bag. His name is serge murray p1. As.per homework instructions it mentions reading book but.he has.never brought one home.

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