Tuesday 2nd June – Primary 5



Good Morning, Fantabulous Fives!

Here we are for another day of home-learning!

Let’s begin as usual with the morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.



Health and Wellbeing meets STEM!

With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to gw09mckinneysheelah@glow.sch.uk or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.



First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks. I have assigned a new selection from which to choose.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day. I have assigned new books for you to enjoy!


This week we are looking at words with -ow.

-ow can have two different sounds: -ow as in crown and -ow as in blown.

Today I would like you to read the words below and then sort them into two groups as follows:

growl      known      prowl      show      growth      scowl      clown

slow     blown     brown     throw     shown     down     frown     throw

Words with -ow sounding like cow                            Words with -ow sounding like window

Write a sentence using one word from each family.

Answers will be posted at 3pm today.


Cluedo: Literacy

Step 1

Decide on six characters. In the game you have Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard etc. You can give your character a title e.g. Lord Lime, Captain Chloe -it’s up to you!

Step 2

Give each of your characters a colour and  a few characteristics: for example, Lord Lime might be green in colour, he might have a walking stick and he might be sneaky, dishonest and cunning.

Step 3

Think of a setting. In the original edition of Cluedo each room belonged to a mansion with nine rooms.

You can choose any setting – but it must have nine rooms also. It could be a castle, a spaceship etc. List the nine rooms.

Step 4

Decide on six accessories the characters might have e.g. a walking stick, a metal briefcase etc.


Draw each of your characters just like Top Trump cards. The top of each card should show the name of the character. Their clothes should clearly show which colour you have selected for them and each should feature the chosen accessory.

On the bottom of each card, write a brief description of the character based on the characteristics. You don’t need to add any categories or gradings (e.g. Magic 70 above).

Keep your cards somewhere safe.


Mental Challenge: Multiplication


Select: Level 3 or Level 4

Think carefully about which tables you know and which require more practice.

Select two to focus on and then choose one from the mixed section.


Yesterday we began looking at units of measurement we use in weighing: grams and kilograms.

There is a reminder for you below.

Kilogram and Gram

A gram is a small unit which is used to weigh objects. It indicates how heavy the object is.

A kilogram is made up of 1000 grams.

Yesterday we changed grams to kilograms and kilograms to grams. We’ll do a little more of that today.

Remember: 2kg = 2000g         4kg 630g = 4630g

Try these:

Change these to grams:

a) 62kg        b) 19kg        c) 58kg 241g      d) 13kg 827g      e) 1kg 52g      f) 26kg 305g      g) 87kg 2g

Change these to kilograms:

a) 8000g      b) 19 000g      c) 92 000g      d) 48 000g      e) 31 000g      f) 65 000g      g) 5000g

The weights below are in grams. Change them to kilograms OR to kilograms AND grams:

a) 87 000g      b) 16 000g      c) 4000g      d) 8900g      e) 15 400g      f) 3200g      g) 60 000g

h) 8564g       i) 9560g            j) 4750g       k) 1018g       l) 9040g         m) 8003g     n) 1003g

Answers will be posted at 3pm today.



The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation (if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

Please select an activity from your grid….and then you’re finished for the day! Well done, everyone! Time to relax and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Remember to email any tasks to me: gw09mckinneysheelah@glow.sch.uk

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