Good morning everyone and hello to June!!! Today is the beginning of a brand new month. Summer has arrived wouldn’t you say? Hasn’t the weather been amazing? I hope you have all managed to enjoy it this weekend. I have water babies at the moment, my girls have hardly left the pool!
Let’s begin with our morning prayer and an Our Father.
Today, we are moving onto our common words.
P3 – through, sing, morning, colour, kind, walk, water, picture, once, until
P4 – counting, idea, thirteen, mile, music, speechless, running, interesting
Try rainbow spelling and pyramid writing for these words today. Choose 4 of them and write a sentence for each. Usually we write a little bit of weekend news on a Monday, so make sure you do this today. Tell me what you did this weekend. You may have heard that we have moved on to a different phase of lockdown where we can meet up with one other household at a safe distance of course. Did you do this? Who did you see? How did you feel? I had a lovely visit from my best friend and it was so lovely to see her. We sat in the garden at a safe distance and had a great chat with an ice cream! It really cheered me up and I felt so grateful for all the lovely people I have in my life.
Today we are going to revise Fractions. We have touched on this a little in class way back at the beginning of the year, however see the video below to trigger your memory:
The next clip tells us how we write a fraction. Here’s an example I would use in class, “if you had 9 sweets and you gave Alfie 4 and Jenna 2, you would write it like this:
- Alfie got 4/9 (say in your head – Alfie got 4 out of the 9 sweets)
- Jenna got 2/9 (say in your head – Jenna got 2/9 sweets)
- So what did you get? How many sweets were left after you gave Alfie and Jenna some?
- The answer is 3. So you get 3/9
Here are some worksheets for you to try, don’t worry if you think this is too confusing just now, we are doing it all week and it will become clearer to you as we progress. (Only pick one worksheet)
*Parents – you don’t need to print out, you can simply ask your child to draw the shape and shade in the correct fraction.
Health & Wellbeing
As I mentioned above, over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family! This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more). From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many. Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them. It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.
How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast. If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.
Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.
How positive did this little visit have on us. Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months, we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.
I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem. (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).
Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.
You can email your poem to gw09grahamannemarie@glow or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.
Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.
Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day. It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!! Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!
1st June
The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020
“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”
“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”
The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday. Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them. On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.
We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely. He will answer our prayer and help us. Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to. God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.
Above you will see an image of Pentecost. There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles. We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.
For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost. This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to me or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.
Now, I know the weather has to be lovely today and it may be the last nice day for a while so please use this as a guidance. We will work on common words all week but maybe whilst your in the pool or playing outside you can find some ways to learn them.
Enjoy the day and have lots of fun! I would love to see some pictures of you enjoying the weather!
Sending you all a great big high five 😉
Mrs Graham