Friday 29th May – Primary 5

¡Buenos días a todos!

Hoy es viernes y es casi el fin de semana.

What do you think that means? I’m sure that you can work it out!

Let’s begin with our morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.


Health and Wellbeing

It is very important for us to talk about how we are feeling.  It is especially important now as some of you may be worried about the changes we have all had to make in the last few months.  Talking to someone, exercising and relaxing are all great ways to help your health and wellbeing and keep you feeling happy.  Today I would like you to play the lanterns game below where you write down how you are feeling and what has made you feel that way.  You will then see your feeling float up into the sky.

Now we are going to do some Jump Start Jonny to help us get some fun exercise and make us smile!

Click on whichever video you like or do all three!  My favourite is I like to move it 🙂 it certainly gets your heart beating!

Now for some relaxing time.  A great way to relax is by doing yoga. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Why not send us some pictures of you taking part in any of the exercises you have been doing today.  Send to: or, with permission Tweet @St_BarbarasPS


Literacy Tasks

First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day.


This week we have been looking a to words ending with vowels and how to make plural nouns by adding -es.

You have also looked at exceptions to that rule and you have researched shortened words.

Today we are going to explore some common words, ending in vowels which we use frequently. However the words in question today actually come from foreign languages.

dahlia     bhaji     paella     banjo     spaghetti     emu

banana     cello     chapatti     pasta     pizza     risotto

rosti     samosa     macaroni     ravioli     concerto


Research the words above using a dictionary or online.

a) Sort them into lists according to the country of origin

b) Make a list of the food words

c) Make a list of the music words

¡Buena suerte! Answers will be published at 3.00pm today.



Mental Maths: Speed Revision

Please use the Topmarks Daily 10 to keep number order in your mind!

Click on the link, select Speed Challenge, select Level 1, 2 or 3. Then select Addition, then ‘Bonds to make…’ and work your way through them.

If you find that you are unsure, go back to the level below and give yourself more time to attempt each one. Number bonds are very important so it’s worth taking some time with this task.

Timing: aim for 3 seconds but  change it if you need more thinking time.

Numeracy: Money Task

Would like to win £1 000 000? Well – play ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire!’ You might even play with your family.

Please open the powerpoint, select ‘enable editing’ and then play as a SLIDESHOW. You can use your jotter to make calculations but you shouldn’t use a calculator! Good luck!

Millionaire P.5 Money Quiz


We have been learning how Jesus prayed for his friends and for all of us and how he taught his disciples to pray to our Heavenly Father.  We know that saying our prayers is very important.  On the accompanying illustration of Jesus praying, draw pictures or write names in the thought bubble of yourselves and some of the other people Jesus was praying for. You could choose your families and friends, as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


Colour your picture in when you have finished writing in the names of your family and friends.  Now show someone your picture and tell them how much you love them and that you will remember them in your prayers.

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS


Time to have a look at some Spanish. Click on the link below to see a Spanish school.

*You might need to copy and paste the links into your browser.

Papo the parrot visits a Spanish primary school and learns some useful Spanish.

In the second clip, A group of Spanish children play Abuelito, ¿qué hora es?, a Spanish playground game similar to Granny’s footsteps. They count in Spanish using numbers 1-10 as they play taking footsteps in the style of different animals.

Finally, please select an activity from your Second Level Home-Learning grid. After that, it’s time for GOLDEN TIME!

I hope that you have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

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