Friday 1st of May

🌈 Good Morning Primary 4/3 🌈

Today is Friday the 1st of May, a new month, a special month as we remember that this month is dedicated to Mary, Jesus’s Mother.

As we normally go to mass on the first Friday of every month, maybe today, with an adult supervising, you could watch the live stream of mass with Father Campbell at 10.00 am on Facebook.

Let’s begin with our morning prayer and afterwards we will remember all those who have died:🙏

Eternal rest grant unto them O’Lord

and let perpetual light shine upon them

May they rest in peace.

May their souls

and the souls of the faithfully departed,

Through the mercy of God

rest in peace. Amen.

The Diocese of Motherwell have asked the school to share with you that every weekday during May, they will tweet a new video for families to do at home and these will also be hosted on their website and on Facebook.  Here is the first one for you.]

DOM Daily Angelus Challenge CardDOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card

Attached above is a lovely card for you to record your prayer each day. 🙏

In class we would be creating our May Altar.  If you have a little space in your room or in your home, you could create your very own May Altar.  I have attached a powerpoint to show you what you would need.   May Altar


Literacy-Task – 1st May


Please log in to Sumdog to find your times table challenge for today.

Boys and girls well done for all of your hard work on Place Value.  I have attached below a link to take you to a wee recap of Place Value up to 3 digits.   This will help you consolidate your work from the last two weeks.  If there is anything you are still unsure of, please let me know and I can send you some more work to practise.

Health and Well-being

It’s been a while since I have completed Joe Wicks as we have been using our daily walk to keep active here.  I think I’ll log on to carry out my exercise for today.  Why don’t you join me!

If you have time and have not already done so, a little reminder about the road safety mascot competition.  Today is the closing date, so you still have time.  Remember to send a photograph of your entry to Miss McMullen at  All the details are on Twitter.

If you need me for anything today, please get in touch by email – my email address is

Thank you to everyone for all your great work this week.    Thank you also to all of our parents/guardians for making this all possible.  I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  Take care and stay safe.  Hopefully the weather picks up

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈



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