Primary 1a Wednesday 29th April

Good morning boys and girls,  please begin today with our morning prayer:

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. St Barbara pray for us 🙏

I hope that you have been working hard this week and helping your parents out at home. We will begin today, as we do each day, revising our initial sounds and phonemes that we already know.  This is very important as these sounds help us to read and write.

Literacy – Today I would like you to go on an alphabet scavenger hunt in your house and/or garden. Can you find something around your house for every letter of the alphabet? Take your time and have fun!

You can complete this in your jotter and write down the item or can take a picture of all the things you have found.

Practise your 12 common words from yesterday in any way you wish, rainbow spelling, shaving foam, play doh, pasta, in sand or just in your jotter. Practise writing these words 3 times each.

Reading – Yesterday I assigned you a book from scholastic, if you have not contacted me for your login details yet please do –


Last week we were looking at number bonds to 10.  Let’s see how much you can remember by beginning with our ‘Daily 10’ mental maths questions.

Select level 1 addition and bonds to make 10. How quickly can you answer these questions?

If you would like more of a challenge you can try and complete in a shorter time or try bonds to make 20.

Now let’s practise counting to 100. See how far you can go.

Number Bonds Challenge

General – I would like you to do challenge one today, we will do challenge two tomorrow.

*Chilli Challenge – if you find challenge one too easy I would like you to do challenge three today and keep four for tomorrow.


Health and Wellbeing – I’d like you to choose you own exercise, you can tune into Joe Wicks or Jump Start Johnny or go for a walk, cycle or scoot or even just jump on your trampoline for 10 minutes if you have one.

In class we looked at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We also talked about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  Watch this story again and try to complete the activity that follows.


Click on the link above to access this activity.  You have to colour, cut and stick in the correct order and make into your very own butterfly lifecycle.  I hope you enjoy this activity.  I’d love to see some pictures of your butterflies 🦋

Mrs MacLeod x

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