Primary 5

Friday 24 April 2020

¡Hola! ¡Buenos días chicos y chicas! ¿Qué tal?

We will start with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we begin our days’ work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together. 

St Barbara, Pray for us.

Please say a Hail Mary for all those who are sick


I hope that you are all well and looking after yourselves. Mrs Haughey has been telling me how hard you have all been working and it has been a joy to see some of your lovely healthy faces.

Here are your Friday tasks. Please only do what you can manage and don’t worry about not finishing all the tasks.


1. Warm up – describe the number 234202

In case you have forgotten here are some clues about the kind of things you can write:

– it is an even number
– it has 2 units
– the total of the digits =
– it is 5 more than
– it is 5 less than
– to write it in words would be …

Now let me see if you can come up with 10 ways to describe the number. You can use my clues.

2.Table challenge

Hopefully you all still have your table challenge sheets. If you don’t, don’t worry.
If you still have your sheet then continue with the table that you were working on.
If you have a brother or sister they could help to test you, if not you could FaceTime/phone your gran, grandpa, auntie or uncle and involve them. I know mums and dads are sometimes busy working.
If you can’t find your sheet, pick a table you find tricky, learn it and test yourself.


You will be reading, seeing and hearing a lot about statistics on the television and in the newspapers. (See if you can spot the advert with Professor Jason Leitch and the pictogram of how we stop the spread of Covid-19 by staying at home)

Statistics are when you collect data, organise the data, understand what the data means and then present the data.

For example
If you gather information about how many pets each person in your class has, organise that information into groups and then make a graph out of the information.

Please watch this lesson and complete the questions that follow. We will only be looking at bar graphs today and you don’t need to complete the line graph questions.


Mrs Haughey has set this week’s words:










Write the words on flash cards or pieces of paper. Turn the words upside down.

On another piece of paper write the numbers 1-9.

Pick a word, turn it over and write the word beside number 1. (just like our class spelling test)

Do this for each word and at the end turn all the flash cards and mark your spelling.

Remember to practise any words that you get wrong.

Health and Wellbeing 

Working in a team can sometimes feel quite challenging, especially if you feel shy or if you have outspoken people in your team.

This video will help you to identify your strengths and how you feel you would fit into a team.


Continue to practise food and drink. If you watch this video (lesson 9) you will hear the boy saying some of the words that you have learned.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine. Stay safe and look after yourselves.


Mrs Goodwin 🌈 😊


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