Friday 24th April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

Happy Friday!!

We have had a busy week full of lots of revision. Before you do anything else give yourself a big pat on the back. You are working so hard and Miss McMullen is very proud of each and every one of you.

Before you begin your work today please take some time to say the morning prayer. Please also say a Hail Mary and Our Father for anyone who is sick at this time.

I had so much fun doing some literacy tasks in the garden that I thought you might want to give some of them a go. To begin today we are going to revise our work on nouns. Can you remember the definition of a noun?

Take a look at our poster to remind you.

Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives | Nouns, adjectives, Parts of speech ...

Now, if you are able, go outside and try to make some nouns using items from your garden. Take a look at some that I tried in my own garden by clicking the link below.


Now lets revise our spelling words from this week and get our bodies moving at the same time.

Use the poster below and spell out your name. Now challenge yourself and spell out some of this weeks spelling words. Miss McMullen was very much out of breath after this task.

Spell Your Name Workout - What's Your Name? Fitness Activity ...

Now we should all be feeling tired so lets relax with some reading. Choose a story to read, this can be one you have at home or an ebook from Oxford Owl. Sit down, chill out and read quietly to yourself. You might choose to do this in your garden or maybe curled up on your couch. Wherever you feel you can relax.

For Numeracy today we are going to bring together some of the concepts we have been working on this week. Please click the link below to access some tasks.

Numeracy Friday

This afternoon, if you are able, go into your garden and try to make up a game to play using things you can find. Click the link below to take a look at my bowling alley using my nieces ball and bottles from my recycle bin. As you will see, I didn’t quite manage a strike.

Bowling Alley

Please ask an adults permission before using any household items or things from your garden. 

Now please do not worry if there are any tasks you cannot manage. Just do what you can and take plenty of breaks. As it is Friday, finish off today by giving yourself some well deserved golden time. If you aren’t able to go outside today try some of the tasks with items you find indoors.

Please keep an eye on Twitter today to find out how you can enter our Road Safety competition.

Have a lovely day and a fantastic weekend. I hope to hear from you all soon.

Take care!

Miss McMullen x

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