P1a Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning boys and girls, it’s Wednesday already!! I hope that you are enjoying the sunshine and managing to spend some time in your gardens.


Let’s begin today with some exercise, Joe Wicks or Jump Start Johnny will both wake you up and get your mind ready to work.

Literacy – I would like you to continue working on all of your initial sounds and phonemes th, sh, ch and ng.

This week our focus phoneme is wh. I hope that you have managed to think of some words with the wh phoneme sound in them. Usually in class we use our magnetic boards to practise with a friend, if you have one at home please try to do this with someone in your family, if not you can practise writing the words out.

when, whip, whisk, whisper, which, why


Say the word out loud – when

Make the word/break the word – wh    e      n

Blend the word (push the sounds together) – when

Read the word –  📖when

Write the word 📝           Try to use this strategy with each word.

 It is also important to practise reading all of the common words in your word box, remember to write out your 3 new words and add them to your box – out, now, new. As these are tricky words we can’t sound them out, we can look at the shape of the word to help us remember it (take a picture in your mind) or sometimes we can spot other words within words.

Practise writing these words in a fun way. These are my two favourite ways:  shaving foam and play doh.


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Please select a new book from your reading website, listen to it first, then read along with it. Try to write a sentence about your favourite page and draw a picture to match. I’d love to see some pictures of your super literacy work!! 

Numeracy – Practise counting fowards to 30 and backwards with a clap. Can you remember the doubles song that I taught you? 🎶One and one make two, one and one make two, e oh my daddio, one and one make two🎶 If you do try and sing it up to 5 and 5.

For the next task you will need a whiteboard or a pencil and paper.  We are going to practise the formation of our numbers to 10. This might be quite easy for you but I’d like you to try and write them as neatly as you can. Watch this clip and join in…



At school were learning that we are all special and unique.  Can you sing this song to someone at home?

Draw a picture of yourself and write one sentence about what makes you special.

I am special because…

Your caterpillars turned into beautiful butterflies, I am sorry that you didn’t get to see them.  I took some pictures before I let them fly away.



Please contact me if you need any help or advice or send me some pictures of your great work. gw09wallacemarie2@glow.sch.uk   Do what you can and try your best, that’s all we can ask of you.

Take care,

Mrs MacLeod x

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